Hi Ivo,
Yes, I actually do. I will combine it with the ripping though because both require similar procedures new to me. However ...
plan to make ripping fast as, well, light, but check for errorneous ripping the same time.
Just because I didn't do/try it yet, I think I can .
Next is : during playback the same process will happen. Why not ? if anything must be good it is the ripping, so if it's good I can use it for playback as well. Now ...
Assumed ripping indeed is faster (anyway net, compared to normal speed of playback, and after some prebuffering), there won't be a difference compared to playing back a file from disk, right ? One thing : you must have an outboard CDRom player, like mine which connects over Firewire.
Now, who wants to rip CDs ?
Actually, those who don't want the convenience of computer stored music. But I can tell you, I ripped many many CDs only because I have to listen to them before I can decide they are worth nothing. I don't even throw them out anymore because it would be a waste of time already spent.
So ... good idea ?
PS: Nice topic for a board named "Music storage *AND* convenient playback" !