Hi all,
Just to let those know who participated in this topic, I changed the first post somewhat. Not that there's really something new in there, but because you may like the small recap I've made in there (maybe merely for new readers as it shows the current status of it all, instead of needing to read the whole topic to get some idea). But for the known amongst us ... didn't it really work out ?
Maybe I'm just writing this because I so often receive emails in extasy and personal thanks for creating something like the NOS1, which again happened this morning, and made me think that if we're not careful we are just "producing" DACs which has not been the "cold blooded" intention at all, but which may sneak in because of always being in a lack of time. Maybe today I feel like spending some time on you all and explicitly think over the great opportunity *I* was given to do this all, which in the end comes from your trust at first. So let's be honest, if this trust wouldn't have been there (nearly everybody has bought the NOS1 without listening, and the first 20 even without any feedback from others), how could I have had the trust myself to even begin this gigantic project. So let's not forget that the usual stories about creating something really new in this world must be about huge mass production to gain back on the (in fact huge) time investment and costs, which appears not to be necessary at all, BUT, it needs something to hunt for, and this was your trust as it showed during the development of this topic.
Thank you.
