I mean, I only listen through nos.
Peter, do you use the FF800 to send an spdif signal to the nos DAC, or are you using usb?
I can use USB as well, which is in the DAC converted to SPDIF before going to the chips, and it sounds way different (and far from better). Whether this is related to the FF reclocking I don't know.
Probably more things are going on, and reading the net it looks like more people come to the conclusion that USB is not Walhalla in those cases where a choice is possible.
Anyway, and as I said more often before, in almost all cases it is impossible to compare, because things just cannot be compared. For example, if the FF could take USB (in and out), I myself would already be much closer to an honest comparison.
Or, if my DAC would have I2S internally, and both SPDIF and USB would convert directly to that, the same.
I am fairly sure that - with enough people hence equipment - around, we could find the absolute best connection, and the connection will show a nature by itself. Actually this is what I created this board for.
But it really takes many more people.
It's already good that now ONE person is around who can slave his soundcard to the DAC. Didn't know that ...
Must think about this ...
If you, in the mean time, have more input to this, I'm very glad to get your opinions. Everybody would.
It is the most interesting anyway.