The below only regards WAV files ripped with MP11 (MS). F.ex. EAC-ripped WAVS don't show these errors:
Ok, seems also there's some problem coming from one track in the playback list to the next, but it's only sometimes...
When the player stops one track and starts to play the next I sometimes got only hissing. I also got 4-6 clicks on the end of songs sometimes before skipping to the next melody. If I stop and then restarts play the errors disappear and music commences.
Thought: There something added to compensate for the DBAmp software FLAC added info in the end of files...thingy you mentioned earlier which also tries to do it's magic on MP-11 ripped WAV files when playing back and that fucks up...still version U8.
My 2 cents...
BUT, still LOVING the sound of U8... PLEASE don't correct more than absolute necessary to fix these small tingys....