Hey Ramesh,
We can well say that Audio is "dead" so to speak, were it for new desires. It can be sensed from anywhere - even I myself play music now instead of testing it (for SQ).
On some side note : I have joy automatically from the more and more and more improving Lush^3 config I am now using for I think two years (the Roberto config). I don't know how it is possible that this "burn in" keeps on going - and maybe I am dreaming it. But anyway, I don't need to do anything and next week it sounds better again.

The Lush^3 is not made longer than 2 meters because chances are fair it won't work in the random system. You can try the 3 meters of course, if you only don't send it back - haha. For the Phasure-Phasure application the chance exists that it works well - theoretically I could try it myself, right ?
If you really have the option just the same to use the ET^3 at the longer length - really no issues there; I would take that then.
FWIW, my Orelos are 50 cm from the (glass) backwall. No issues whatsoever. At the sides I have just over 1 meter.
Mine are toed so they cross just behind me (that is at over 6 meters of distance).
Best regards,