« Reply #45 on: April 01, 2018, 06:40:21 pm » |
Hey Telstar,
I feel that something else could be (or should be) the matter. But mind you please, it still is so that few will have the experience with so few memory these days. Anyway :
Is the version you use (still) 14393.0 ? See a cleared Playlist Area for the version.
What is the resolution you are using while on the remote ? Bit depth ? (implying you can set that lower)
Yes, I believe it’s acting strangely. With 11% used memory I shouldn’t be getting this, and there are a few more errors, i list later. Today, 3 albums loaded in playlist. At the middle of the first I got “engine3 didn’t start in time” and sound stopped. This happened 3 times, even without RDC. W10 14393.0 Dac is 24 bit/384. At >16 bit requires 24bit I use software attenuation from 20 to 40db, depending on album. AP 4x. I play either redbook upsampled 24/176 or highres 24/96 upped at 24/192. The type of track seems to not matter, nor its format (flac or mp3). Core appointment 1-2 (got only 2, new cpu will take 1 month to arrive from Japan). I’m keeping log active, in case you want to see it. Other bug: i finish one album, alone in playlist. I wanna play again one track, i select it, hit play and no sound. Have to close xxhe and re-launch it. It happens all the times with RDC. Oom errors seem confined to RDC playback. No: also without rdc. Just got two at track 4/20 of a flac album.
(2nd Apr 2018) Software: W10 14393 Pro x64 | XXHE 2.10 | MinOS | Q=14x1/0/0/0/0 | SFS 5,19 mixed contiguous | Nervous rate 1 | 4096k buffer |
Hardware: OrigenAE H5 case | E5300 fanless | 8GB RAM | Winmate DC-DC fanless PSU | OS on SSD | Renesas USB3 pcie card | Belden highspeed usb cable | Audio-gd dac19 NOS with sigxer F1 | My_ref_FE mono amps | Albedo Apex speakers
« Reply #46 on: April 02, 2018, 09:32:50 am » |
Hi Telstar, Maybe it is good to remind you that XXHighEnd is made for Unattended Playback and that is not what you are using, as it seems. From there (Attended) it really requires knowledge of your system and what it can take to play Attendedly (thus with GUI) in sustained fashion. I can do it (still with requred knowledge) by my system is not slow anywhere except for the CPU cycles (500 MHz). This is crucial. But maybe I observe wrong in the first place ? With 11% used memory I shouldn’t be getting this This tells nothing. And it especially tells nothing when you use either of the "Contiguous" memory modes. Now go and read the 1000+ pages books on Windows memory organisation and Garbage Collection. Eh, for each OS (eh, version). It could be well so that the most "errors" happen because of your own idea about how Windows operates and next state to yourself that it should work and make yourself crazy with it. Did you know that your mentioned error actually can spring only from "disk full" situations ? Best regards, Peter
For the Stealth III LPS PC : W10-14393.0 - July 17, 2021 (2.11) XXHighEnd Mach III Stealth LPS PC -> Xeon Scalable 14/28 core with Hyperthreading On (set to 14/28 cores in BIOS and set to 10/20 cores via Boot Menu) @~660MHz, 48GB, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit build 14393.0 from RAM, music on LAN / Engine#4 Adaptive Mode / Q1/-/3/4/5 = 14/-/0/0/*1*/ Q1Factor = *4* / Dev.Buffer = 4096 / ClockRes = *10ms* / Memory = Straight Contiguous / Include Garbage Collect / SFS = *10.13* (max 10.13) / not Invert / Phase Alignment Off / Playerprio = Low / ThreadPrio = Realtime / Scheme = Core 3-5 / Not Switch Processors during Playback = Off/ Playback Drive none (see OS from RAM) / UnAttended (Just Start) / Always Copy to XX Drive (see OS from RAM) / Stop Desktop, Remaining, WASAPI and W10 services / Use Remote Desktop / Keep LAN - Not Persist / WallPaper On / OSD Off (!) / Running Time Off / Minimize OS / XTweaks : Balanced Load = *62* / Nervous Rate = *1* / Cool when Idle = n.a / Provide Stable Power = 1 / Utilize Cores always = 1 / Time Performance Index = Optimal / Time Stability = Stable / Custom Filtering *Low* (16x) / Always Clear Proxy before Playback = On -> USB3 from MoBo -> Lush^3 A: W-Y-R-G, B: *W-G* USB 1m00 -> Phisolator 24/768 Phasure NOS1a/G3 75B (BNC Out) async USB DAC, Driver v1.0.4b (16ms) -> B'ASS Current Amplifier -> Blaxius*^2.5* A:B-G, B:B-G Interlink -> Orelo MKII Active Open Baffle Horn Speakers. ET^2 Ethernet from Mach III to Music Server PC (RDC Control). Removed Switching Supplies from everywhere (also from the PC).
For a general PC : W10-10586.0 - May 2016 (2.05+) *XXHighEnd PC -> I7 3930k with Hyperthreading On (12 cores)* @~500MHz, 16GB, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit build 10586.0 from RAM, music on LAN / Engine#4 Adaptive Mode / Q1/-/3/4/5 = 14/-/1/1/1 / Q1Factor = 1 / Dev.Buffer = 4096 / ClockRes = 1ms / Memory = Straight Contiguous / Include Garbage Collect / SFS = 0.10 (max 60) / not Invert / Phase Alignment Off / Playerprio = Low / ThreadPrio = Realtime / Scheme = Core 3-5 / Not Switch Processors during Playback = Off/ Playback Drive none (see OS from RAM) / UnAttended (Just Start) / Always Copy to XX Drive (see OS from RAM) / All Services Off / Keep LAN - Not Persist / WallPaper On / OSD On / Running Time Off / Minimize OS / XTweaks : Balanced Load = *43* / Nervous Rate = 1 / Cool when Idle = 1 / Provide Stable Power = 1 / Utilize Cores always = 1 / Time Performance Index = *Optimal* / Time Stability = *Stable* / Custom Filter *Low* 705600 / -> USB3 *from MoBo* -> Clairixa USB 15cm -> Intona Isolator -> Clairixa USB 1m80 -> 24/768 Phasure NOS1a 75B (BNC Out) async USB DAC, Driver v1.0.4b (4ms) -> Blaxius BNC interlink *-> B'ASS Current Amplifier /w Level4 -> Blaxius Interlink* -> Orelo MKII Active Open Baffle Horn Speakers. Removed Switching Supplies from everywhere.
Global Moderator
« Reply #47 on: April 02, 2018, 04:28:02 pm » |
Well my goal was to get "normal" playback rock solid first (like it was with 09-4.1 on W7), but it seems it was the wrong move. Back onto the drawing board. So I did two things: 1) Activated windows and then shut off internet again. No update was installed. I suspect this was creating some background activity. Created a restore point. 2) Used minimized OS. Can live with it as long as CTL+ALT+DEL still works  NB: I'm still using mixed contiguous. I'm testing today without RDC and I will report any error I may encounter. The OS disk has plenty of space, it's a 128GB SSD. But... the library disk is a 5400rpm spinning disc suspended with rubber bands. This one could be a little full, I have to check. Did you know that your mentioned error actually can spring only from "disk full" situations ? No, and this rings a big bell! My next move is to replace the library disk with a 2TB MLC SSD (Crucial still makes one that is reliable). I dont feel it sluggish, but I can hear when it is accessed and/or the software writes on it -3m from the PC. Another thing I can do is to put the old 32GB SSD which hosted W7 as a XXE drive. As alternative I could make a 2-3GB ramdrive. What do you think would be best (for smooth playback, SQ comes next)?
(2nd Apr 2018) Software: W10 14393 Pro x64 | XXHE 2.10 | MinOS | Q=14x1/0/0/0/0 | SFS 5,19 mixed contiguous | Nervous rate 1 | 4096k buffer |
Hardware: OrigenAE H5 case | E5300 fanless | 8GB RAM | Winmate DC-DC fanless PSU | OS on SSD | Renesas USB3 pcie card | Belden highspeed usb cable | Audio-gd dac19 NOS with sigxer F1 | My_ref_FE mono amps | Albedo Apex speakers
« Reply #48 on: April 02, 2018, 05:00:48 pm » |
Disk checked: I have 400GB free, so that's definitely not the cause. So far no errors today....
Peter let me know your opinion on the two options I'm considering for playback (small ramdrive or dedicated ssd). Third option: usung straight contiguous instead (if i can).
(2nd Apr 2018) Software: W10 14393 Pro x64 | XXHE 2.10 | MinOS | Q=14x1/0/0/0/0 | SFS 5,19 mixed contiguous | Nervous rate 1 | 4096k buffer |
Hardware: OrigenAE H5 case | E5300 fanless | 8GB RAM | Winmate DC-DC fanless PSU | OS on SSD | Renesas USB3 pcie card | Belden highspeed usb cable | Audio-gd dac19 NOS with sigxer F1 | My_ref_FE mono amps | Albedo Apex speakers
« Reply #49 on: April 02, 2018, 05:21:00 pm » |
Peter let me know your opinion on the two options I'm considering for playback Telstar, my only option would be to have it 100% error free first and then see further (it will also determine possibilities). On a side note : that out of memory can virtually only come from the OS Disk. Do you have your Virtual Memory on for Drive C: (OS Disk) ? "We guys" mostly have it Off but we also have 16GB or 32GB of memory. You should really have it On (RightClick MyPC, Properties, Advanced, Advanced tab, Settings in the first section. Peter
For the Stealth III LPS PC : W10-14393.0 - July 17, 2021 (2.11) XXHighEnd Mach III Stealth LPS PC -> Xeon Scalable 14/28 core with Hyperthreading On (set to 14/28 cores in BIOS and set to 10/20 cores via Boot Menu) @~660MHz, 48GB, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit build 14393.0 from RAM, music on LAN / Engine#4 Adaptive Mode / Q1/-/3/4/5 = 14/-/0/0/*1*/ Q1Factor = *4* / Dev.Buffer = 4096 / ClockRes = *10ms* / Memory = Straight Contiguous / Include Garbage Collect / SFS = *10.13* (max 10.13) / not Invert / Phase Alignment Off / Playerprio = Low / ThreadPrio = Realtime / Scheme = Core 3-5 / Not Switch Processors during Playback = Off/ Playback Drive none (see OS from RAM) / UnAttended (Just Start) / Always Copy to XX Drive (see OS from RAM) / Stop Desktop, Remaining, WASAPI and W10 services / Use Remote Desktop / Keep LAN - Not Persist / WallPaper On / OSD Off (!) / Running Time Off / Minimize OS / XTweaks : Balanced Load = *62* / Nervous Rate = *1* / Cool when Idle = n.a / Provide Stable Power = 1 / Utilize Cores always = 1 / Time Performance Index = Optimal / Time Stability = Stable / Custom Filtering *Low* (16x) / Always Clear Proxy before Playback = On -> USB3 from MoBo -> Lush^3 A: W-Y-R-G, B: *W-G* USB 1m00 -> Phisolator 24/768 Phasure NOS1a/G3 75B (BNC Out) async USB DAC, Driver v1.0.4b (16ms) -> B'ASS Current Amplifier -> Blaxius*^2.5* A:B-G, B:B-G Interlink -> Orelo MKII Active Open Baffle Horn Speakers. ET^2 Ethernet from Mach III to Music Server PC (RDC Control). Removed Switching Supplies from everywhere (also from the PC).
For a general PC : W10-10586.0 - May 2016 (2.05+) *XXHighEnd PC -> I7 3930k with Hyperthreading On (12 cores)* @~500MHz, 16GB, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit build 10586.0 from RAM, music on LAN / Engine#4 Adaptive Mode / Q1/-/3/4/5 = 14/-/1/1/1 / Q1Factor = 1 / Dev.Buffer = 4096 / ClockRes = 1ms / Memory = Straight Contiguous / Include Garbage Collect / SFS = 0.10 (max 60) / not Invert / Phase Alignment Off / Playerprio = Low / ThreadPrio = Realtime / Scheme = Core 3-5 / Not Switch Processors during Playback = Off/ Playback Drive none (see OS from RAM) / UnAttended (Just Start) / Always Copy to XX Drive (see OS from RAM) / All Services Off / Keep LAN - Not Persist / WallPaper On / OSD On / Running Time Off / Minimize OS / XTweaks : Balanced Load = *43* / Nervous Rate = 1 / Cool when Idle = 1 / Provide Stable Power = 1 / Utilize Cores always = 1 / Time Performance Index = *Optimal* / Time Stability = *Stable* / Custom Filter *Low* 705600 / -> USB3 *from MoBo* -> Clairixa USB 15cm -> Intona Isolator -> Clairixa USB 1m80 -> 24/768 Phasure NOS1a 75B (BNC Out) async USB DAC, Driver v1.0.4b (4ms) -> Blaxius BNC interlink *-> B'ASS Current Amplifier /w Level4 -> Blaxius Interlink* -> Orelo MKII Active Open Baffle Horn Speakers. Removed Switching Supplies from everywhere.
Global Moderator
« Reply #50 on: April 02, 2018, 05:29:02 pm » |
Peter let me know your opinion on the two options I'm considering for playback Telstar, my only option would be to have it 100% error free first and then see further (it will also determine possibilities). Agreed! So RDC stable playback as first goal. On a side note : that out of memory can virtually only come from the OS Disk. Do you have your Virtual Memory on for Drive C: (OS Disk) ? "We guys" mostly have it Off but we also have 16GB or 32GB of memory. You should really have it On (RightClick MyPC, Properties, Advanced, Advanced tab, Settings in the first section.
Going to check. I think I put 4GB, as I usually keep it same size as RAM. Yes, it was 4GB. Changed to 16GB and restarting.
(2nd Apr 2018) Software: W10 14393 Pro x64 | XXHE 2.10 | MinOS | Q=14x1/0/0/0/0 | SFS 5,19 mixed contiguous | Nervous rate 1 | 4096k buffer |
Hardware: OrigenAE H5 case | E5300 fanless | 8GB RAM | Winmate DC-DC fanless PSU | OS on SSD | Renesas USB3 pcie card | Belden highspeed usb cable | Audio-gd dac19 NOS with sigxer F1 | My_ref_FE mono amps | Albedo Apex speakers
« Reply #51 on: April 02, 2018, 05:33:59 pm » |
cr*p, it just gave me a “MemOrg error 02”. I’m going to shut down and restart the pc now. Also I’ll clean the playlist and load a new one.
(2nd Apr 2018) Software: W10 14393 Pro x64 | XXHE 2.10 | MinOS | Q=14x1/0/0/0/0 | SFS 5,19 mixed contiguous | Nervous rate 1 | 4096k buffer |
Hardware: OrigenAE H5 case | E5300 fanless | 8GB RAM | Winmate DC-DC fanless PSU | OS on SSD | Renesas USB3 pcie card | Belden highspeed usb cable | Audio-gd dac19 NOS with sigxer F1 | My_ref_FE mono amps | Albedo Apex speakers
« Reply #52 on: April 02, 2018, 05:40:20 pm » |
Twice the internal memory size is "normal". I thought you had more than 4GB of memory by now ?
For the Stealth III LPS PC : W10-14393.0 - July 17, 2021 (2.11) XXHighEnd Mach III Stealth LPS PC -> Xeon Scalable 14/28 core with Hyperthreading On (set to 14/28 cores in BIOS and set to 10/20 cores via Boot Menu) @~660MHz, 48GB, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit build 14393.0 from RAM, music on LAN / Engine#4 Adaptive Mode / Q1/-/3/4/5 = 14/-/0/0/*1*/ Q1Factor = *4* / Dev.Buffer = 4096 / ClockRes = *10ms* / Memory = Straight Contiguous / Include Garbage Collect / SFS = *10.13* (max 10.13) / not Invert / Phase Alignment Off / Playerprio = Low / ThreadPrio = Realtime / Scheme = Core 3-5 / Not Switch Processors during Playback = Off/ Playback Drive none (see OS from RAM) / UnAttended (Just Start) / Always Copy to XX Drive (see OS from RAM) / Stop Desktop, Remaining, WASAPI and W10 services / Use Remote Desktop / Keep LAN - Not Persist / WallPaper On / OSD Off (!) / Running Time Off / Minimize OS / XTweaks : Balanced Load = *62* / Nervous Rate = *1* / Cool when Idle = n.a / Provide Stable Power = 1 / Utilize Cores always = 1 / Time Performance Index = Optimal / Time Stability = Stable / Custom Filtering *Low* (16x) / Always Clear Proxy before Playback = On -> USB3 from MoBo -> Lush^3 A: W-Y-R-G, B: *W-G* USB 1m00 -> Phisolator 24/768 Phasure NOS1a/G3 75B (BNC Out) async USB DAC, Driver v1.0.4b (16ms) -> B'ASS Current Amplifier -> Blaxius*^2.5* A:B-G, B:B-G Interlink -> Orelo MKII Active Open Baffle Horn Speakers. ET^2 Ethernet from Mach III to Music Server PC (RDC Control). Removed Switching Supplies from everywhere (also from the PC).
For a general PC : W10-10586.0 - May 2016 (2.05+) *XXHighEnd PC -> I7 3930k with Hyperthreading On (12 cores)* @~500MHz, 16GB, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit build 10586.0 from RAM, music on LAN / Engine#4 Adaptive Mode / Q1/-/3/4/5 = 14/-/1/1/1 / Q1Factor = 1 / Dev.Buffer = 4096 / ClockRes = 1ms / Memory = Straight Contiguous / Include Garbage Collect / SFS = 0.10 (max 60) / not Invert / Phase Alignment Off / Playerprio = Low / ThreadPrio = Realtime / Scheme = Core 3-5 / Not Switch Processors during Playback = Off/ Playback Drive none (see OS from RAM) / UnAttended (Just Start) / Always Copy to XX Drive (see OS from RAM) / All Services Off / Keep LAN - Not Persist / WallPaper On / OSD On / Running Time Off / Minimize OS / XTweaks : Balanced Load = *43* / Nervous Rate = 1 / Cool when Idle = 1 / Provide Stable Power = 1 / Utilize Cores always = 1 / Time Performance Index = *Optimal* / Time Stability = *Stable* / Custom Filter *Low* 705600 / -> USB3 *from MoBo* -> Clairixa USB 15cm -> Intona Isolator -> Clairixa USB 1m80 -> 24/768 Phasure NOS1a 75B (BNC Out) async USB DAC, Driver v1.0.4b (4ms) -> Blaxius BNC interlink *-> B'ASS Current Amplifier /w Level4 -> Blaxius Interlink* -> Orelo MKII Active Open Baffle Horn Speakers. Removed Switching Supplies from everywhere.
Global Moderator
« Reply #53 on: April 02, 2018, 05:43:51 pm » |
Twice the internal memory size is "normal". I thought you had more than 4GB of memory by now ?
Yes, I have 8GB now, but virtual memory was left at 4GB. With 16GB virtual memory I cannot use garbage collect anymore it seems. Restarted, new album and same error. What should I do? Try 8 GB or go without GC?
(2nd Apr 2018) Software: W10 14393 Pro x64 | XXHE 2.10 | MinOS | Q=14x1/0/0/0/0 | SFS 5,19 mixed contiguous | Nervous rate 1 | 4096k buffer |
Hardware: OrigenAE H5 case | E5300 fanless | 8GB RAM | Winmate DC-DC fanless PSU | OS on SSD | Renesas USB3 pcie card | Belden highspeed usb cable | Audio-gd dac19 NOS with sigxer F1 | My_ref_FE mono amps | Albedo Apex speakers
« Reply #54 on: April 02, 2018, 06:12:13 pm » |
“MemOrg error 02”. Maybe this is not 100% exact ? I can't find this particular error (text).
For the Stealth III LPS PC : W10-14393.0 - July 17, 2021 (2.11) XXHighEnd Mach III Stealth LPS PC -> Xeon Scalable 14/28 core with Hyperthreading On (set to 14/28 cores in BIOS and set to 10/20 cores via Boot Menu) @~660MHz, 48GB, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit build 14393.0 from RAM, music on LAN / Engine#4 Adaptive Mode / Q1/-/3/4/5 = 14/-/0/0/*1*/ Q1Factor = *4* / Dev.Buffer = 4096 / ClockRes = *10ms* / Memory = Straight Contiguous / Include Garbage Collect / SFS = *10.13* (max 10.13) / not Invert / Phase Alignment Off / Playerprio = Low / ThreadPrio = Realtime / Scheme = Core 3-5 / Not Switch Processors during Playback = Off/ Playback Drive none (see OS from RAM) / UnAttended (Just Start) / Always Copy to XX Drive (see OS from RAM) / Stop Desktop, Remaining, WASAPI and W10 services / Use Remote Desktop / Keep LAN - Not Persist / WallPaper On / OSD Off (!) / Running Time Off / Minimize OS / XTweaks : Balanced Load = *62* / Nervous Rate = *1* / Cool when Idle = n.a / Provide Stable Power = 1 / Utilize Cores always = 1 / Time Performance Index = Optimal / Time Stability = Stable / Custom Filtering *Low* (16x) / Always Clear Proxy before Playback = On -> USB3 from MoBo -> Lush^3 A: W-Y-R-G, B: *W-G* USB 1m00 -> Phisolator 24/768 Phasure NOS1a/G3 75B (BNC Out) async USB DAC, Driver v1.0.4b (16ms) -> B'ASS Current Amplifier -> Blaxius*^2.5* A:B-G, B:B-G Interlink -> Orelo MKII Active Open Baffle Horn Speakers. ET^2 Ethernet from Mach III to Music Server PC (RDC Control). Removed Switching Supplies from everywhere (also from the PC).
For a general PC : W10-10586.0 - May 2016 (2.05+) *XXHighEnd PC -> I7 3930k with Hyperthreading On (12 cores)* @~500MHz, 16GB, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit build 10586.0 from RAM, music on LAN / Engine#4 Adaptive Mode / Q1/-/3/4/5 = 14/-/1/1/1 / Q1Factor = 1 / Dev.Buffer = 4096 / ClockRes = 1ms / Memory = Straight Contiguous / Include Garbage Collect / SFS = 0.10 (max 60) / not Invert / Phase Alignment Off / Playerprio = Low / ThreadPrio = Realtime / Scheme = Core 3-5 / Not Switch Processors during Playback = Off/ Playback Drive none (see OS from RAM) / UnAttended (Just Start) / Always Copy to XX Drive (see OS from RAM) / All Services Off / Keep LAN - Not Persist / WallPaper On / OSD On / Running Time Off / Minimize OS / XTweaks : Balanced Load = *43* / Nervous Rate = 1 / Cool when Idle = 1 / Provide Stable Power = 1 / Utilize Cores always = 1 / Time Performance Index = *Optimal* / Time Stability = *Stable* / Custom Filter *Low* 705600 / -> USB3 *from MoBo* -> Clairixa USB 15cm -> Intona Isolator -> Clairixa USB 1m80 -> 24/768 Phasure NOS1a 75B (BNC Out) async USB DAC, Driver v1.0.4b (4ms) -> Blaxius BNC interlink *-> B'ASS Current Amplifier /w Level4 -> Blaxius Interlink* -> Orelo MKII Active Open Baffle Horn Speakers. Removed Switching Supplies from everywhere.
Global Moderator
« Reply #55 on: April 02, 2018, 06:51:01 pm » |
I must have copied wrong. Was dealing with my cat at the same time. Anyway, the window error also said to disable garbage collection if that happened again. It happened twice in a riw, so I did.
Now, i put gc on again and the error didn’t reappear, but I got this (photo attached)
(2nd Apr 2018) Software: W10 14393 Pro x64 | XXHE 2.10 | MinOS | Q=14x1/0/0/0/0 | SFS 5,19 mixed contiguous | Nervous rate 1 | 4096k buffer |
Hardware: OrigenAE H5 case | E5300 fanless | 8GB RAM | Winmate DC-DC fanless PSU | OS on SSD | Renesas USB3 pcie card | Belden highspeed usb cable | Audio-gd dac19 NOS with sigxer F1 | My_ref_FE mono amps | Albedo Apex speakers
« Reply #56 on: April 02, 2018, 06:52:03 pm » |
(2nd Apr 2018) Software: W10 14393 Pro x64 | XXHE 2.10 | MinOS | Q=14x1/0/0/0/0 | SFS 5,19 mixed contiguous | Nervous rate 1 | 4096k buffer |
Hardware: OrigenAE H5 case | E5300 fanless | 8GB RAM | Winmate DC-DC fanless PSU | OS on SSD | Renesas USB3 pcie card | Belden highspeed usb cable | Audio-gd dac19 NOS with sigxer F1 | My_ref_FE mono amps | Albedo Apex speakers
« Reply #57 on: April 02, 2018, 07:58:44 pm » |
I better don't tell what happened next. My ears still hurt. 
(2nd Apr 2018) Software: W10 14393 Pro x64 | XXHE 2.10 | MinOS | Q=14x1/0/0/0/0 | SFS 5,19 mixed contiguous | Nervous rate 1 | 4096k buffer |
Hardware: OrigenAE H5 case | E5300 fanless | 8GB RAM | Winmate DC-DC fanless PSU | OS on SSD | Renesas USB3 pcie card | Belden highspeed usb cable | Audio-gd dac19 NOS with sigxer F1 | My_ref_FE mono amps | Albedo Apex speakers
« Reply #58 on: April 03, 2018, 09:15:21 am » |
But can I incur for that too ? How ? I promise I will put my amps off. 
For the Stealth III LPS PC : W10-14393.0 - July 17, 2021 (2.11) XXHighEnd Mach III Stealth LPS PC -> Xeon Scalable 14/28 core with Hyperthreading On (set to 14/28 cores in BIOS and set to 10/20 cores via Boot Menu) @~660MHz, 48GB, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit build 14393.0 from RAM, music on LAN / Engine#4 Adaptive Mode / Q1/-/3/4/5 = 14/-/0/0/*1*/ Q1Factor = *4* / Dev.Buffer = 4096 / ClockRes = *10ms* / Memory = Straight Contiguous / Include Garbage Collect / SFS = *10.13* (max 10.13) / not Invert / Phase Alignment Off / Playerprio = Low / ThreadPrio = Realtime / Scheme = Core 3-5 / Not Switch Processors during Playback = Off/ Playback Drive none (see OS from RAM) / UnAttended (Just Start) / Always Copy to XX Drive (see OS from RAM) / Stop Desktop, Remaining, WASAPI and W10 services / Use Remote Desktop / Keep LAN - Not Persist / WallPaper On / OSD Off (!) / Running Time Off / Minimize OS / XTweaks : Balanced Load = *62* / Nervous Rate = *1* / Cool when Idle = n.a / Provide Stable Power = 1 / Utilize Cores always = 1 / Time Performance Index = Optimal / Time Stability = Stable / Custom Filtering *Low* (16x) / Always Clear Proxy before Playback = On -> USB3 from MoBo -> Lush^3 A: W-Y-R-G, B: *W-G* USB 1m00 -> Phisolator 24/768 Phasure NOS1a/G3 75B (BNC Out) async USB DAC, Driver v1.0.4b (16ms) -> B'ASS Current Amplifier -> Blaxius*^2.5* A:B-G, B:B-G Interlink -> Orelo MKII Active Open Baffle Horn Speakers. ET^2 Ethernet from Mach III to Music Server PC (RDC Control). Removed Switching Supplies from everywhere (also from the PC).
For a general PC : W10-10586.0 - May 2016 (2.05+) *XXHighEnd PC -> I7 3930k with Hyperthreading On (12 cores)* @~500MHz, 16GB, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit build 10586.0 from RAM, music on LAN / Engine#4 Adaptive Mode / Q1/-/3/4/5 = 14/-/1/1/1 / Q1Factor = 1 / Dev.Buffer = 4096 / ClockRes = 1ms / Memory = Straight Contiguous / Include Garbage Collect / SFS = 0.10 (max 60) / not Invert / Phase Alignment Off / Playerprio = Low / ThreadPrio = Realtime / Scheme = Core 3-5 / Not Switch Processors during Playback = Off/ Playback Drive none (see OS from RAM) / UnAttended (Just Start) / Always Copy to XX Drive (see OS from RAM) / All Services Off / Keep LAN - Not Persist / WallPaper On / OSD On / Running Time Off / Minimize OS / XTweaks : Balanced Load = *43* / Nervous Rate = 1 / Cool when Idle = 1 / Provide Stable Power = 1 / Utilize Cores always = 1 / Time Performance Index = *Optimal* / Time Stability = *Stable* / Custom Filter *Low* 705600 / -> USB3 *from MoBo* -> Clairixa USB 15cm -> Intona Isolator -> Clairixa USB 1m80 -> 24/768 Phasure NOS1a 75B (BNC Out) async USB DAC, Driver v1.0.4b (4ms) -> Blaxius BNC interlink *-> B'ASS Current Amplifier /w Level4 -> Blaxius Interlink* -> Orelo MKII Active Open Baffle Horn Speakers. Removed Switching Supplies from everywhere.
Global Moderator
« Reply #59 on: April 03, 2018, 05:19:11 pm » |
But can I incur for that too ? How ? I promise I will put my amps off.  After that error, i got a similar one, then closed xxhe and decided to restart the PC. I didn't turn my amps off nor change dac input, because I have been trouble free for very long time. Not yesterday. It emitted a screeching sound until i could switchoff the DAC. It hurt my ears and my cats' for 2 hours. Luckily the speakers weren't damaged. Moreover, after such restart it was impossible to login from the local PC, got a black screen with mouse pointer. Powered off a minute and back on, same thing. It somehow corrupted something in Windows. I could log with RDC, so I did and removed minOS from there. At reboot I could log from the PC locally, but (another bug for ya) Windows was deactivated. I could restore my own point which was just before the one created by xxhe, and everything seems back as it was, including OOM errors (attended, 8GB+16GB virtual memory). Garbage collect off to prevent some sh*t like that from happening again. Conclusion: I'm not going to try minOS anymore. I was quite happy with it until that happened. And the OOM errors happens only with normal OS at attended. So, I'm asking you to test that. Locally or RDC is the same thing, RDC being worse. I think that the amount of memory of your PC doesn't make a difference, the cores dunno. PS: the big virtual memory could be related to the strange error before the screech, and/or with garbage collecting so I think you should setup virtual memory = 2x physical RAM too.
(2nd Apr 2018) Software: W10 14393 Pro x64 | XXHE 2.10 | MinOS | Q=14x1/0/0/0/0 | SFS 5,19 mixed contiguous | Nervous rate 1 | 4096k buffer |
Hardware: OrigenAE H5 case | E5300 fanless | 8GB RAM | Winmate DC-DC fanless PSU | OS on SSD | Renesas USB3 pcie card | Belden highspeed usb cable | Audio-gd dac19 NOS with sigxer F1 | My_ref_FE mono amps | Albedo Apex speakers