Hi there Mr without name ...
First things first : Install the Driver properly. I assumed that happened (Unsigned Drivers must be allowed etc.).
Then actually first off, if you select in the NOS1 Control Panel for Device "Stereo Reduced" (and not the default Multi Channel 4.0) *and* you set Sw#5 in the Up position, you have a regular DAC for its interfacing means. Nothing strange, nothing odd. IOW, your first task is to get HQPlayer working in that normal mode, and this is already challenge enough (which I really can't help of course).
And be in Normal OS all the time.
And have the UAC ENabled ! (set that via XXHighEnd, via RightClick on the Stop button).
disengage that two wire thing in HQPlayer.
Let us know when you've got this working. Or when you can't.

Best regards,