Hmm ... The second one is obvious (with its G:\CDImage in the Playlist) but the question is : how do you get that there. So what you show by means of Explorer looks fine to me but that is not what got selected for the Playlist.
Can you see that file existing in the root of G: perhaps ?
Then what I see wrong with the second one, is that the names do not comply to Cue File rules. Thus, you can name the large WAV CDImage.wav all right, but the Cue File must be named the same and it is not; instead it is named CDImage [WAV].cue although you'd need to switch on the showing of extensions to see it all well.
The first one is a bit more mysterious, but I see the two times " - " in the Album Title. This is not according the rules for that which ... and you now already see me make the mistake because of it (haha). Look :
Artist is Gabrielle Roth.
Album Name should be Audiophile Percussions with some unreadable text but *that* already containes 2x " - " which normally is used for Artist - Album Title separation.
Son't ask me what the system makes of that, but according to mu thinking "a mess" and it is my thinking what created the program. So, dangerous. :swoon".
So that structure should be something like :
Gabrielle Roth\Audiophile Percussions konnwhatever\[Track(s) here]
Gabrielle Roth - Audiophile Percussions konnwhatever\[Track(s) here]
Gabrielle Roth\Gabrielle Roth - Audiophile Percussions konnwhatever\[Track(s) here]
would also be allowed, but things may be strange here and there.
and :
Because there's also some deep down rule that the Cue File Name must be the same as the Album Name, you don't comply to that because of the extra " - " and the konnwhatever behind it, which is not in the Cue File Name.
For the "CDImage" other problem similar counts, but I don't thinkg it is the reason there that lets it fail. Still, that too is erroneous because of a 2x " - " (I only now see) plus that the structure in general could be wrong. It should be :
MyMusic\Rock\Eagles\[and then do what you like]
but officially can't be
MyMusic\The Eagles\[and then do what you like]
because you challenge for a \MyMusic\Rock\ elsewhere and it is out of balance. It will not fail on it, but *with* that you'd have the \Rock\ somewhere, The Eagles belong to nowhere (yeah, your MyMusic, but ...). Anyway it won't fail on this, until you do something like :
MyMusic\The Eagles - Hell Freezes over\
and this time because you don't comply to the two subfolders at least like :
would be that, but your
MyMusic\The Eagles\Eagles - Hell Freezes over\
is just that too but coincidentally.
Dizzy ?