Hi Juan,
Regarding your literal question : No that won't help (won't be any good either) but it also won't be the culprit;
You must realize that you changed something in your (active) speakers which IIR is official. That is, the manual told so (correct me if I'm wrong). But there was also this capacitor (to ground IIRC) of which I advised to let it be as it is. I assume you did so.
And now I don't know how a speaker (amplifier actually) can start to hum while the manufacturer himself tells that this change is allowed. Regarding this, do notice please that this for sure won't be because of a not balanced connection any more (meaning : this won't be noise which otherwise would cancel because of the balanced connection).
What IMO is more likely is that the ground reference now is not right any more, I mean, in relation to that of your NOS1a. It's a bit tough to deal with this from the distance, but I would try all sorts of additional ground wires. Like from NOS1a cabinet to the speaker's (amp) chassis. But this is just an example.
What I also would try is disconnect that capacitor I just talked about. Just for trying. Hum away ? then leave it out (and do the other speaker as well

Disconnect it at the "amp" side - not at the chassis side.
Of course others can respond as well, but I wonder whether there's any one else who actually changed from a balanced connection to a Single Ended connection, like you did.
One last thing :
I do recall something (from the manual) - but not sure - that two legs in there now had to be connected (which also would be common pratice). But did you do that ? Notice that the manual mentions this per the cable where the connections had to be applied. So you may have overlooked this, because you can't do that with the (non XLR) cable; this has to be done inside of the speaker now (so connect the proper representative wire in there to the ground of the BNC terminal - as far as I envision it by heart).