I read this passage:
Since I was expecting Harry Pearson to be a human being and not a mythical character, other than that odd sensation of feeling his feeling my disappointment with him, I was not at all disappointed—though I was taken aback by the size of the mythical listening room in which he had the giant Infinity IRS loudspeakers and Goldmund Reference turntable. The room was barely large enough to contain the speakers! You sat but a few feet from these enormous monoliths. How could this sound any good? But as soon as he put on a record I heard good that was way gooder than anything I'd ever before heard and those four giant columns completely disappeared leaving a
holographic three dimensional picture the likes of which I'd never before heard.
My speakers (not tilted) are 2,20m apart and my new listening position is now 1,5m away from the plan of the speakers and I hear that
“holographic three dimensional picture”. I’m sitting just in front of the soundstage.
It seems that my listening room is too big and I have to move the components into a smaller room.