Last Saturday, my 5th day of listening through the BNC interlinks, I started to be sure I could hear a flavor in the highs. Maybe it has been there from day 1, but let's say that I heard a few things for the better anyway and I didn't want to hear flavors.
But yesterday things changed;
Listening through this cable 6 days ago started out with the more emphasized bass (see
Want some Bass topic. It brought a better balance in everything although I would say that generally it could be too heavy to my taste. So as promised in there (link) yesterday I reverted to the normal neutral speaker settings, just to see how the BNC cable would behave from there.
First notice, if I observed well, was the still more bass. Actually a bit strange, because it was difficult to notice less bass. Well, it was less, but the "too heavy" remained.
Since I was doing this to bring back more dynamics - because the more bass tends to mask the higher frequencies which makes everything more "slow", I played another of these MC Hammer albums (I mentioned MC Hammer earlier in this topic) to see whether that one now was too dynamical. Actually I chose MC Hammer again because I expected it to be OK because the bass seemed still OK. Well, that worked !
Hmm ...
At 3 quarters of it, I started to observe Madonna / Michael Jackson synthesized (grey) drums as something like "he too" but with the notice I most probably did not play that album ever in digital. All sounds super much better than 10 years ago, so that's why the "he too".
So I switched over to one of my mere test albums to see how that would behave. Actually for the bass only.
After 15 minutes I shut down the whole system because I was totally fed up with it. Ouch ouch ouch.
Coen, might we have bet over a nice bottle of whiskey, pick your brand ...
All right (not), I now know where such an interconnection gets its "virtues" from. And actually it is very interesting;
Assuming that everyebody perceives the Silverstone USB3 interface the same way ... this cable is that times 3 or so.
But let's first go back to how the cable started "working" :
So, the more bass (see link I gave) is really that. The whole picture changes, and you don't hear me say it is wrong to begin with. However, what surely happens is that the highs are masked and without all starting to be dull right away, it *is* true that all gets slower of it. So the snap of a snare drum turns into a "less snare" simply because of the higher frequencies are overwhelmed by the "tom" part of the snare drum (the cabinet of it). This is not per se wrong, but it *is* more slow, and for comparing with reality you could be disturbed by it. Also, the lower frequency instruments with snap, will become more low frequency because of it. And strangely enough a kick drum is an example of that. Things get "heavy" ...
If you listen to this for a couple of days - which was 3 days in my case - all sorts of revelation happen when you are able to add some special kind of highs. Like a Silverstone card in 3 fold.
All opens up and while the more square fragile frequencies where mushed out by the lower ones, things really start to happen when you make those fragile frequencies ... more square. But by what means ? Silverstone card means. And what was that ? "creating" holes in the "smoothnes".
What is the Silverstone card actually doing ? Making a cymbal "vibrate" better into a cymbal. Can't be put to words, but you'll know it (if you have one, especially with normal NOS1 (not NOS1a)).
So holes = on/off = square. Very nice for localisation and also very nice for separation and imaging. And depth. And more.
Because this is Joachim's subject (topic), I'll make another side step;
It hasn't been emphasized too much, but somewhere in between the lines in some post from some topic in this forum (pfff) I told that my Seagull did not work so well any more. And what was going on there ? I "turned down" the squariness. By what means was that ? Oh, NOS1a and in combination with the new Custom Filter means of XXHighEnd.
Did I care ? maybe some times. But there's more ease in the sound and in the end you could hear that this was about "distortion" as such. Difficult to explain it through distortion, but if something is too square (for our system to cope with) then the result is distortion.
Joachim, you said it : The Seagull flies as never before.
Yes, maybe. I tried it too a few days ago, but I already couldn't concentrate on the (perceived) music in there because the fragility of the sounds had vanished. I now refer (thus already a few days back) to the often same flavor. Actually hard to recognize the whole track because of that (recognition points had vanished).
And so I yesterday set the speaker to the "lean" setting (the original measured setting) and put on one of my well known "test" albums;
With now all my attention to "could it be the cable" I right away noticed that I couldn't see the size of the cymbals. This is how the triple Silverstone effect jumped to me; Too much of it, and with its impact on especially cymbals, now all cymbals were influenced into sort of too small ones.
No, no way this could be right; actually I heard "hash" but with a lower frequency we normally dedicate "hash" to. A very profound on/off sound.
I couldn't say at all the sound was too lean, but I now noticed as well that the bass was not what it can be. Also hard to explain, but where an electric bass nicely showed its frequency, the acoustic bass was coloured. Too much of it ? possibly.
But I couldn't observe the basses for too long because the highs started to hurt. Really hurt. I said to myself "this is dirty". Not grey - the opposite I'd say, but the too much on/off of it made it dirty. And thus painful as well.
Of course my big mistake has been that I tried the BNC cable in an already tweaked setting to begin with (the more emphasized bass). This is how the cable
looked to be doing good. So on top of the overwhelming bass it was able to just pop up a sufficient amount of squariness to net make the imaging even better. All went better because of it.
Except for the flavor ...
(and flavors KILL me !)
So without the "bass tweaking" it is totally rubbish. And I wished I had tried the cable in the normal setting to begin with.
Please notice, up to disclaimer (and also pay attention) :
*Because* this is listening to tweaked sound to begin with (more bass), it WILL be so that my observation is subjective now. In other words, things are not right to begin with, and THUS we can't relate to mere reality and we start to pick the best virtues out of what we hear and tend to neglect the anomalies. It's what we
want. Still, it is not said that *with* the more emphasized bass the net result can not be better with the BNC cable. It's a weak balance. So in this case (or my case) it is about me just not being able to listen to flavors since I got used to tune for neutrality. And, I already know that not so many people even want that or know what it is. To summarize this :
I don't like the cable because it implies a flavor BUT in the already flavored setting to begin with (emphasized bass). And please remember, with the normal speaker settings I have no complaints apart from a handful of albums not playing (too dynamical or too lean if you want). This too is "me" and possibly I am quite alone. So my bass is neutral, is OK, does not lack a thing to me (and of which by now it could be clear that I am alone on that one already) and if THEN (in that setting) such a cable is mounted, well, then the cable s*cks all over.
Of course it is my
opinion that it s*cks anyway, because it is my opinion that it should be used in a neutral setting to begin with. But if I am alone in
a. my bass is neutral so all is right;
b. put in that cable shows 100% clear how bad it does,
then who am I as this loner to decide for you that the cable can't work in your preferred bass-heavy (my opinion) setting.
But tonigt I will be back to the normal cablle - that's for sure.
Also watch out for my next disclaimer :
It is not said (or 100% sure to me) that it is the cable which "creates" the distortion. I mean, it can also be that it passes on better what the source is really telling. If that would be the real truth, then too bad and nothing much to do about that at this moment. Yes, maybe apply a nice heavily ringing filter. But I am not going to do that anyway ...