Hi Peter,
Since 1.186a, I have had the following problem:
The selected device(in settings) is the KS NOS1 but many times if i change tracks or change volume (with hotkeys) the selected device shifts to Primary Sound Driver or other devices connected to the PC.
I think this is problem is connected more with my reducing the CPU clock speed rather than the XXHE version. Is this a correct assumption?
Same problem 2 times since I changed Q5 from 0 to 1.
NOS1 DC offset readings was with Q5=0 - 00,1/0,00 after PC normal shut downs.
and with Q5=1 after every 4th PC shut down DC offset shows appr. 26.5/26.0 and I have to restart the NOS1.
My sig is up to date.
The sound with Q5 =1 is amazing.