ShiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitSo, my Silverstone got a coat yesterday. Not her official one because the size of the tubing we had laying around was too small to do it neatly, but today we'll get a bigger condom and peek some pictures.
Now a few coincidental things happened;
After talking a few things through I sat down to do some analyser tests for other things and only hours later I switched on the audio PC. The PC appeared to have lost its BIOS again
(what is it in that USB3 card-corner ?) and so up to the photos with the special settings. Well, I didn't make those photos and of course the screen it was about (this is a bit hidden) was not on photo. D*mn. A bit of shouting why not ALL screens were taken, and oh well. Point is also that I wanted to see whether those settings now could work from scratch or that reboots were needed etc. (this is all about special PC behaviour and how to get that done). But alas, since it was a week ago only that I had to put in the BIOS settings maybe I remembered.
15 Minutes later the PC was running, and hey, all as intended ! So ha, I now finally know what settings to set. BIOS photos will be up soon.
Same as this all doesn't make sense to you (what the heck is the guy talking about), because of this I totally forgot about the card's isolation. Ciska went out and I brought up XXHighEnd and pressed Play, continuing the album where I left off the day before. Loading takes a few secs, and in that time I walk to the "offiice" corner to deal with emails and such. Notice that this is along one of the walls, say the left wall where the left speaker is some 7 meters from where I'm sitting (speaker is to the right of me now).
I think I just raised a hand to let it land on the keyboard somewhere, but what I recall is that I lost all of my muscles and sort of collapsed. Hard to describe. But envision something like
Whaaaaaat ?I will try to show you how I behaved. Remember that 9 year old "aria" (Dutch) girl Juan put up ? Here : to 1:40 in that video and watch the guy in the right (also see picture below).
You really should briefly look at that YouTube because otherwise you will never understand the impact of this change. Seriously.
I stood up from the chair behind my desk (watch the guy doing exactly so) and walked around the half-height wall there so I could be in the middle of the room, leaving behind my jaw;
Already from that spot behind the desk I heard the sound everywhere. So envision me looking around me what was happening, at first not even realizing this was the music which just had started. This could not be ...
During my little walk around that wall (which is a walk towards the left speaker) I noticed a
MOST STRANGE phenomenon : there was no music. Yeah, how to describe such a thing. Better could be "music came from nowhere" (which somewhat resembles "it is everywhere").
If I could detect anything from music source it was from the upper far corners above the speakers (3 meters high and my "corners" are round). What came to me was not a wall of sound, but something which could be called "inside out" and a headphone feeling. Maybe I can call it "from within my brain only". It felt like I was hypnothised or drugged or something which was so odd that it couldn't be true.
The next half hour -being alone in the room- I had only be expressing outloud "shiiit" this and that and "what ?" and I don't know anymore. Envision someone virtually banging his head to a wall and with a bang per word "HOW-IS-THIS-POS-SI-BLE" (6 bangs and enough to wake up I'd say).
What explicitly slipped my mind was that I received a third ear. That third ear made me localise better. I also thought "ok, this must be the real start of my 3D localisation project I started 'Phasure' for (never mind for now if you don't know about it).
Let's remember, I just continued the album from the day before. It was as if the tracks I played yesterday were supposed to be 3D scape sound exposures and test signals. Music floating from left to right and back and towards and up and down and, man, I can't describe it. And *again* I noticed that actually there was no music. Such a thing can only happen in a dream.
When the album was finished I put it back to track 1 to relisten to what I should have heard the day before. But no, that now too were "test signals".
In the mean time all of the tracks went into my Demo Gallery, but I think after the 5th I stopped that because that's not much useful.
With the notice that this was a new album to me in the first place, after that I put up a known one and the story was the same. Nothing is producing music but still it is in my head. Call it the ultimate layed back. But inside out.
No more lyrics.
So, somewhere within that first album Ciska came back in. Of course I was watching her to see her response.
Nothing. Hmm ...
Ok, so we'll go the usual route and sneak in questions;
P: Don't you notice something maybe ?
C: Oh, don't know the music.
P: Nah, just general.
C: Don't know the music; too difficult. And always your sh*t ambient.
P: No no no, just try to make up anything regardless. Just try.
Then within 7-8 seconds this came out :
C: Far away. Speed. No, more speed. Spacious.
Ah ok. So force someone, and within 7 seconds you knew after all eh.
Next came the question whether this was from the working BIOS settings and my response was "forgot your condom excercise already ?". Aha.
Maybe women need some focus, but while she too now knew what it was about (or could be about), automatically this came out :
C: So clear (like in crystal);
C: Loose;
C: Soo clear (now like in can hear/understand all the words);
C: Oh, those drops ...
C: Super much detail;
C: More intense.
I was surpised about the last one and envisioned that only women can make this up. However, now I'm writing it, I feel the resemblance with my "from the brain". And stupid thing is, she did not come up with anything like that, but I now thus see she maybe did after all ("intense").
The drops is almost the best description; possibly all of us have been in some 5.1 arrangement and watched something like a waterfall movie. Now drops could sound all around you. That's what happened here too, and when she said it I didn't even hear drops (the music was not meant to let hear drops) but the way you are in a cave and drops are dripping all around you is what this is about. All around you.
While she mentioned the speed which I didn't notice as an element so much because this actually did not allow me to listen for elements as such, I am not sure but throughout further listening it well can be the key "logical" phenomenon doing this. I say "logical" because probably it is nothing physical. Only about infinitely more separation or something.
While I always feel the woofers when something extraordinary seems to spring from the speakers and because a track was playing of how I know the woofers feel, I now did that too. And now things get dangerous ...
Maybe people have read about my W8.1 experience, how it muffles the sound and how my woofers excurt so much that it becomes unresponsible (don't play louder or they'll break);
Now it was the other way around. Hardly any movement at all.
(Bert, might you read this : Your 15"ers over there).
Listening to it (before feeling) gave me the impression that bass was now so lean that (and again !) it actually wasn't there. Well it was, but I could not focus on it. This, btw, is really really hard while -with this track now too- the sound scape (mind the scape which might be poor English but which is in my mind now all over) floating from, well, everywhere. I just can't understand it.
For those who experienced it (e.g. Paul), the sugar cubes in quadruple. No, more. And really, one of the first things which came to me is that it seemed that the SPL was equal everywhere in the room (sugar cubes did the same - I measured).
It can't be expressed as "sound does not come from the speakers" because it already didn't. Instead I now have 20 speakers throughout the room. And a third ear.
So, all what happened is that USB shouldn't be connected to PE anymore. And let's remember, noise and such I already did not have (-120dB after gain hence measured at the output of the amps (at full gain)). It is totally freaking unbelievable what this thus does. It feels like 10 fold any previous "huge change".
The biggest change ever.
PS: Changed the title of the topic.