Hey Alain,
First about the latter "restore" issue : This will be too vague for you and me to work out / resolve; too many things can have - and most probably will have been done by you after this. I mean, to get all in the state you wanted. Maybe not, but we can't work that out anyway.
But now your first (clone) operation ...
I am 100% sure things go odd with such a clone operation, but merely the cloning back. Re the latter, I mean when the clone was made when the OS concerned NOT running (so, when you clone the OS disk from the OS running from there, all becomes super vague and it will be completely to TrueImage to have that all right);
When I clone an OS disk (so, not from an OS running on it) and use that one to boot, things are NOT the same. This can be in all kind of areas like power management and for sure the reserved space for making Restore Points; this is always 0 then.
*Which* things change seem a kind of random to me. But also look at this, just as an example and derived from my own quest what actually can happen :
- Usually we clone a partition; not a disk. This means that exactly this "boot partition" (what is it ? 100MB or so ?) mat (or will ?) remain -ehm, may not be cloned at all;
- We already know that especially with Dual Boots the on boot can influence the other (most probably this is related to a common part for both which *has* to be there).
- When you make the clone, all kind of registrations are in the registry. Example : what drive letters your removable USB devices have. When you make the close with some USB disk attached and put that clone back when it is not there, things *have* to change. Notice that when the system is shut down all is registered and that this will be different from rebooting from another disk (no matter it's virtually the same). This can be because things changed in the mean time.
Do it's a complex thing anyway.
To be complete :
After that, the music had interruptions at random, while the progress bar and time counter were still working.
This is nothing like not being activated. In that case XXHighEnd will disappear (assumed your time counter is from the GUI and not from the OSD). So, something just being not right as it can happen to anyone.
I could also have said : I don't know. But what I described above are my own observations. I always pay attention to everything, and I really see things change which shouldn't. So I'm only trying to find explanations for it.
Btw, I also use TrueImage Home 2012, but I don't think it is related to the means making the clone (unless it was from a "live" OS, as explained above).
PS: Your refund through Paypal got stuck halfway (20 minuts ago), but the status now is that it's payed back. So if you didn't receive an email from it, please check your account.