Ok. So, supposed it is about the upsampling ...
If you look at the sigs of people, you can see that actually without exception (but of course you may find one) they all use Arc Prediction Upsampling). This is because it really works, but let me add also that this means works totally different from all what exists. So, not just another algortithm, but one without any ringing (pre or post) while all normal "filters" (which is what upsampling actually implies) do.
It is supposed to overrule the ringing behaviour of your DAC, and whether it really will in your case is to be seen. But again, looking at people's sigs it should statistically.
This is what the demo version just allows for, and it is not at the level of inherent sonic qualities I talked about before. It is unrelated to optimizing the OS, although the (latest) demo version will do that the same as versions of 6 months back and older allowed for in general, but licensed. So, I made the old means available under the demo version, just because the licensed version now goes further (sounds way better again).
Thus, there are two main approaches within XXHighEnd : getting Redbook as right as possible by means of upsampling, and tweaking the environment where XXHighEnd runs in as far as possible for something we'd call "sonic performance". Microphonic performances would almost be a better way to express it.
All what the demo version does not allow for at this moment is :
1. Core Appointment optimalization;
2. Play an infinite time per session;
3. Output more than 100 albums in the Library Area (totally unimportanmt);
4. Minimze the Operating system to core audio functions only.
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It does in the demo version as it did in the half year back versions, so it can't be *that* bad. But, may it tell you something, it *had* to be done better because of the NOS1-USB, which doesn't sound good at all otherwise (there's so much devil in the detail).
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This is a tricky one, because it might help you getting your Netbook optimized, where "optimized" in this case implies quite some things. To name one :
The Split File Size (SFS) is one of the major parameters for better SQ, and the higher you can set it (in general) the better SQ will be. However, your Netbook with a slow processor to begin with, will not allow for the higher SFS sizes because it will take it too long to prepare the tracks "per SFS size" in memory and you will receive drop outs once per length of the SFS (could be 2 minutes, but still unbearable of course).
To make it more complicated, one of the features of the MinimizeOS functionalitity (which is not available under demo) is the sheer possibility for the higher SFS. This is related to memory organization and what MinimizeOS does about it.
So yuo see ? you have a few very indirect and unexpected reasons why your Netbook may not be on par for the best SQ.
Please also read this :
9-6-1c FLAC messing with core appointment scheme?; It will tell you in some more words what will be going on. But also read the last post from Coen as how it is in there right now, where he a sort of says "ok, fed up with the stupid squeezing - let's now do it right".
It just tells that there are sufficient reasons to get yourself a dedicated and on par audio PC where you have plenty of headroom to dial in all the parameters the way YOU like. Not the way your Netbook limits them, with the result of you never being able to hear what the lot potentitals are. You'd just never know. And it is such a waste.
Lastly, please notice that these are all deviates from what XXHighEnd offers on the conveniency side. Sounds strange maybe, but this is the "all control" part. I mean, what good is it to stuff a couple of tracks into the memory available (ehm, via an USB stick
) with the immediate restriction that upsampling must bve out of order because it will consume too much memory ... that this by itself is cause by "us" being pure memory players, and worse - very special memory players utilizing contigious memory which of course again contibutes to SQ ... while it also can go without your attention. So, albums can be infinitely long, no USB sticks are needed to get the sound right, no external GUI is needed to sort out what you ever want to play, but ...
but still some prerequisites exist just for that conveniency again. So, load a complete FLAC album in 1 second or so, or wait 25 seconds because you like your Netbook.
Want the SFS higher for better sound, but experience gaps at the file splits because of the slow processor.
Want better core appointment, but have no cores to diverge to.
There's so much more that I better stop right away because it already is enough. You can use the Netbook for sure but it will be toe squeezing and suboptimal for SQ. And the thing is : for Foobar it won't matter a thing.
Stupid playback software ...
Here is some general info about this stuff :
A Guide to Glitchless Playback. Don't try to understand it all, but try to get the phenomena involved. Later you can always go back to it when it is needed.