Right. With the feeling of hijacking this topic further and further (
) I now have something for you, you won't have heard of before. That is, I didn't even attempt Google to find out, so sure I am about this.
Will it be helpful for anything ? No. Totally useless. But it *is* something which seems the most strange at first, until you read my explanation about it; this will be in the last paragraph.
So ...
The "behind the bar" (see earlier post) is our kitchen. It is adjacent to the listening room and is part of the total space mentioned before. This means the smells of the kitchen will be in the (actually) living room. No problem, as long as the smells are good.
Today risotto was prepared, and this means a small fry of rise, next poored with cold bouillon. This gives a sort of heavy reaction in the frying pan with the by then frying rise. No worries, this is meant to be.
Although I didn't prepare this meal, I was in the kitchen area myself, just watching it. Nothing strange occurred, and all went OK. Smell ? no smell other than maybe unions which were fryed right before.
As happens so often, I walk towards the audio PC which is around some half-height wall; the end of it towards the kitchen is closed, so I have to walk to the other end of it, which is more near to the left speaker. Some 2 meters away from it. Behind that wall is the PC space (call that office in the living room) which by itself is 2 meters wide (and some 5 meters long). So, I walk around the back end of this wall to get to the audio PC's keyboard ...
Being just around the corner this smell came to me. A slight smell of something being overheated. Overfryed. I walked passed this area and the smell was gone. Walked into it again, and there it was again. So, after walking and "waving" through it for two times, I went to my wife (in the kitchen) and asked her to walk to the audio PC's keyboard and smell all the way. At the exact same place she stopped and says Hey !!
Let me tell you, I walk to that place back and forth maybe 20 times during a cooking session each day. Who cookes ? doesn't matter. This never happened before.
Inspired by my just half an hour back measuring the room for SPL, I thought to explicitly measure that area, which is about 1 square meter (where the smell was).
Of course I measured 4 dB "under" in exactly that area;
Last paragraph :
Immediately it is obvious to me that this small area must be under pressured. So, all air will flow to it, as will smells. But why this fairly explicit thinking, and this post anyway ?
Because the tweak I talk about is exactly about this. That I never noticed this can be a coincidence, but I don't believe it will be. Add to this, that this is just behind (in front of) the very same 1.5-2 meters in front of the speaker the sound springs from (and where I measured the somewhat higher SPL), and things start to work. What starts to work ? well, my control of it. Things become logic and measurable.
I think now I can setup some test signal (audible through the speakers, so it may not be a nice event), and tune it all in.
At first I missed this spot (with the SPL meter) because of course one can't measure each square inch so precicely. Also, normal music was playing which is very real, but not the most convenient for measuring obviously.
Now, what shall I do ? boil some love milk on the stove and start sniffing around ? the most smelling places should be conjunctures of added sound (but think standing waves). This follows from the story. But why so ? well, where the most air is, the most will sound expose ? seems logic too.
Energize the room eh ? same story in fact.
High general air pressure ? should be a good thing. Pump up the room ? looks good.