hey Peter, while it's quiet around here, any chance of a row of activation buttons linking back to selectable "Settings Presets" ? Similar in principal and operation to the size presets on top left side.
To change to a difference preset currently required 6 clicks, with the mouse pointer darting all over the GUI. A row of, say, five or even six, positioned underneath the INPUT/OUTPUT sample rate gauges would be perfect I reckon, if you can accommodate that.
I currently have four often-used profiles set up for:- no oversampling, double OS, quadruple OS and DTS playback, which are obviously selected depending upon the material I wish to play. Sure would make it easier clicking on a single button
It would be neat if you could also display the actual profile name assigned to each button when the mouse hovers over it, for those of us with lousy memories who forget what they assigned.
Thanks in advance for your consideration.