Was it the best system I've ever heard then? No... Not by a long shot.. It didn't have the same magic as some 100k systems I've experienced, but I suspect this because Peter doesn't believe in high-end cables, acoustics, amplifiers, speakers and the synergy of the whole as much as I do.
Haha, that's a nice one. But I guess it is true to some extend. Or at least it is proven by my crocodile wires which hold the xovers together ... for 3 years or so by now.
Also it is admitted that at least I don't do anything about it rather explicitly, already by pointing out *that* the xovers are connected like this - for years. And this is obviously not for the best possible sound ...
Well, while you could say that one can't do 100 things at the same time, and while this certainly counts for me, it may come across a little strange that someone claiming to have created a "best DAC" in the mean time deals with his cabling (and more) this way. Not a single piece of acoustic treatment either (ah, my curtains can be closed
), and what else.
But the real explanation is this :
I think I have a fairly good "absolute memory" if it were for sound. With this I mean that it is not so very difficult for me to recognize a character in the sound from its origine from for example one year back, while that origine is supposed not to be there anymore. Hard to explain, but think about cymbals sounding some way, and when I change something in the software, I suddenly hear those cymbals sound from a specific situation that year back. That I can recall this is one thing, but that I'm usually also able to remember what caused this sound (one year ago) is another. Anyway, this is very important to "restore" things. But it is also important (and this can't be emphasized enough) to make progression. So think a kind of other way around : it may occur that a certain virtue occurs not to be there anymore, next I should be able to think back : since when has this actually gone, or IOW, what actually to do to bring it back. Then it comes handy to know *when* this changed, so I can re-capture *what* actually changed (for the cause), to next restore it.
That all you great people are a great help with this, is another matter (like : hey, the bass from 0.9y-xxx whatever was much better !).
But now think further : how would I be able to restore and check (!) when in the mean time I would be working on my crocodiles and all ?
It just couldn't ...
And so it happens that I *do* create new interlinks as I showed you, but will never use them, and will only measure them when I can find some time in between jobs. You saw it happening, that one interlink with its nice Neutrik connectors being on the floor somewhere, if you only believe that a. I made them 2 months back, and b. there really weren't used at all one single time.
Who does that ?
The why I just told about.
More physically : I told you about this new cable in advance, and how and why it should be better regarding "some" theories (about SE vs. balanced ad such). So, for fun we measured it, and it was *worse*. There went the theories, and no lies about them being apparently wrong. But also, no lies in general, because looking at the result, what would I be looking at, at measuring a next DAC (which could be yours, haha). No lies ever, and expecially not to myself !
Lastly, the "acoustics" example, which almost is more important. Well, to me it is;
People may know, and I told it to you too, that it is my belief that all room anomalies are FIRST *created* by the source. The better the source is, the less problems room anomalies will be noticeable. I told about my PEQ and stuff with which I started out in this house, and which is all in the garage because it's not "necessary" anymore. But wait ...
We have special corners in the room where things are critical if it were for real standing (bass) waves. So, this is a "check it out" corner. For example, where before W7-SP1 this was still a place not to be, from off W7-SP1 it just can. It is of major importance to find differences in areas not profound in the first place. So, software change, another setting - mwah, looks okay ... but if this corner is not, it is thrown out. Hmm ...
So, although still theory (but for sure a working one), what to do if I started decorating the room with bass traps and everything ? ... all would be judged as ok on this matter, not knowing how it progressed really. And believe me, if I use Foobar and some old DAC ... you wouldn't want to be anywhere in this room, especially not with something like that Yello ...
The theory works, but I can't use a decorated room to make progress on this !
Well, I hope this is not appreciated as "this guy wants to have an answer to everything", because it's really the way how I operate and how things *do* progress.
That's what I hope anyway.