Hi all,
I wonder ... Is there anyone out there with a laptop used for music, that laptop containing an Express Card slot ? If you have another type of slot but own a converter to Express Card it's ok too. Next :
Would you be willing to visit me with that laptop so I can check whether the theoretically working connection to the Phasure NOS1 works in practice ? It should, but I'd rather test it before I have to answer questions without knowing the answer.
I live in between Apeldoorn and Zwolle, so preferrably you live in the neighbourhood.
You don't need to be an XXHighEnd user, if you only know from your laptop it can deal with 24/192 glitchlessly. Using XXHighEnd is to be preferred though, so I can test 24/384 too. Or otherwise maybe you allow me to install XXHighEnd on your laptop.
If the need is high I can come to your place and bring the NOS1, but I'd prefer it the other way (wondering where to obtain all the time I need in the first place

I really hope someone can help me out on this, where I only need to test it all works (and not having a laptop for the job myself, while at the same time I couldn't easily get such a converter to Express Card I need).
Thanks a lot in advance,