Pedal, don't start drilling ports in your good speakers. I closed mine too. I just open some doors once in a while.
South East seems the wrong direction to me. South west is better.
Leif is living an hour drive South East of me. It's time to listen to his new bass towers. He probably has a reason to be soo proud and happy.
Speaking about bass performance. Lately I have been listening exclusively to hi-rez music, from various DVD-A, DualDiscs, downloads, etc.
-It's interesting to hear how the bass improves with hi-rez. Not only the treble. With hi-rez there is more texture and naturalness on both acoustic and electric bass (guitar). It has a very "analouge" feeling in the mid and upper bass. In the bottom octave, of course, there is more feel than hear. The room is shaking with a solidity never ever heard from vinyl.
In the past, every time I upgraded CD-drive or DAC, I got more natural sounding bass. Better definition, more texture, less mud. I guess it will improve further with the new PHASURE DAC, too. Changes of jitter values are audible in the bass too. It's not only a matter of cymbals!