Hi Coen,
I have just been doing some testing, and I can confirm your 2) and 3). The "why" is beyond me at this moment, but I guess it is solveable.
Not 1 so far, but I guess this is a kind of logic once the memory problems occur (or the system is prone to that). I don't see how it is related to "Activation", nor do I see the combination of 1) and 2) once 1) occurred. But never mind that.
About 3), yes I saw that myself before, and it even has been reported a month or so back. I tested it here back then, did not see it, and the poster did not see it anymore after an upgrade as well. BUT, what I see myself is that it only is OK after a first start of a new version and the message "Set your Music Root in the Settings Area" is displayed, or actually : as long ad that has not been done and the message shows. So, I guess this never has been solved, and the earlier poster with that same problem just didn't report it anymore after seeing it again, or never has set this "Music Root".
4) seems explainable from another recent post, although about Engine#3, but I think it is the same problem. This - I think - occurs when
during playback you click on another track, or load another to the Playlist Area. A bug, introduced 1 or 2 versions back.
5) I never heard of before, but I sure can imagine it. Btw, it would be a good idea for SQ when the screen saver is shut off, or anyway no moving screensaver is used (which leaves you with no screen saver as intended of course). But, when the RealTime setting causes the screen saver to halt moving, I guess for SQ it is just ok !
I am afraid the real problems, 1 and or 2, will not be solved in a few hours time, because something has happened here probably a relatively long time ago (without people reporting it), with the result of me not knowing where to begin to look. Also, testing is rather tedious as you can imagine, because 2) implies throughput time at testing. On that matter I noticed that this is a typicle case of "Windows decides when to free memory", and while this sometimes goes right, at other situations it just does not. So, it just takes that 4 tracks or so (of certain length) to get there, and when it's allright it may need another 5 times to kind of proove it really does. When it would be solved, only that last time takes 2.5 hours alone, not to speak about possibly many attempts at changing software before it is proven right.
So, the major problem here is that I don't known when this started to happen, because if so I could look and see what was changed at period of time it started to happen. Not nice.
The only thing I can say for now, and which really would be a best advise, is go get yourself Vista or Windows7 along with a new 300 euro PC, and find yourself to have bought a most expensive playback system for 300 + 72 euro only. I mean it. By now the difference is beyond imagination, as is the sound coming from whatever speakers you have once you use the latest 0.9y-4. I normally hold back myself at expressing about SQ, but this time it just would not be justified. I will GUARANTEE you'll hear something you never heard before, no matter what systems you listened to.
In the mean time I *will* solve these problems, but it really won't be in a few days I guess.
Might you say "but I don't care all that much about a best sound ever", I'm afraid you'll have to wait a bit.
In the the other mean time, right now, I am waiting for a third attempt to let it go wrong (Out of memory) for over 30 minutes, but it just won't happen (the 2nd attempt it did). This is - as I notice - because virtual memort hence the swap file is involved (read : used), and theoretically that just should cover for it (which it sometimes just does not, as it appears). This means that in any case highering the swap file size should help, but keep in mind it needs the disk space. Thus, if you are low on disk space on the OS disk, that is the first thing creating the problem.
The real cause, of course, is the player not freeing the memory, which actually is out of my control, but solveable in theory.
Lastly, I just searched the forum myself for that "buttons" problem, but I don't think it is there because I recall this has been a PM back then (never a good thing to do !!).
So far for now,