Hi Quint,
Yes, I think I know ...
Windows 8.1 was the most lousy sounding OS of all ages and we skipped that, which in the end is the base of 2012 R2.
There remains nothing in any XXHighEnd Minimized OS that would be less in any Server version. So that is moot as well.
From another angle : there is not a single person that I know of who uses a server version with XXHighEnd (it could tell something).
When you want to improve in this area, I'd seriously advise the RAM OS Disk, which minimizes a couple of Windows 10 builds ( plus Windows 8 ) as you are used to, but now boot them from RAM.
Windows 10 sounds quite infinitely better than Windows 8 and each Windows 10 build sounds different (plus they sound different from disk vs from RAM).
No Qobuz should be sounding any good when streamed, because it is MP3 or I missed the news. Besides that you won't be able to use your NOS1 optimally because of now lacking filtering (Qobuz doesn't do that for you).
Instead use the "streaming" from Tidal which is fully supported by XXHighEnd and which is CD quality (16/44.1). No single element in such a setup is detrimental to sound (because I explictily took care of that).
Ask more if you like, while the above hopefully doesn't come across as not taking the real time to answer you adequately.
Best regards,
PS: Don't forget to upgrade your NOS1 from by now an angle of 4. haha. But of course I am teasing you now.