Here's a brief explanation on how to deal with the Galeries of the 0.9n version.
Much is to your own imagination, but here's the general outline.
When there's a result in the Library Area, you can select the Items you want, and with rightclick you can appoint them to a Galery.
In a future version you will be able to do this from within the Playlist Area. Not so now ...
So let's go.
The first thing you'd do is create a folder similar to "Galeries", as shown in Galery01 below. Click on the button besides the text field as shown, and within there you are allowed to create a folder for it.
This will be your "root" Galery Folder.
Do this on your fastest drive, which is not necessarily the drive where your music data is held (but hinks of backups !).
Now go to the Library tab, and let's assume from within there you can select music which suits a Galery. Look at Galery02 below;
It implies that "blues" music was selected.
In my case the Library Area got filled with "blues" music by means of the selection of "blues" in the Track Names.
How it came there is not important, but whatever it is, you are going to store it in a Galery.
Select the Albums or Tracks (in my case Tracks because of the means the Library Areay got filled) you want to store in the Blues Galery, and press rightclick with the mouse ... See Galery03 below.
Assumed that a Galery "Blues" did not exist yet, you can create it from within the selection as shown in Galery03 (Create new folder).
In Galery04 below this happened.
Actually clicking the "Blues" Galery from Galery04, will save the selection from the Library Area to the "Blues" Galery.
Now look at Galery05. With that button we can select the contents of a Galery. In my case I applied a sub-selection of all tracks of 6 minutes and longer.
Whatever now is in the Library Area, select what you want from it, and press Load (Playlist Name empty !) to get the selection in the Playlist Aera.
Ok. Note that you can save selections from Galeries to other Galeries again.
And careful, a next version will allow for Keywords in a similar manner. For now : try to think of the difference between Keywords and Galeries. Make a plan.