A description and reasoning to my heart Paul ...
What I did not tell yet, is that fairly soon after I implemented that XXHE tweak (sorry to start about that again while you not haiving it yet
) - and which creates that so pure sound inherently (!), it did not work for thee better because I could hear some nasty things. And so I reasoned similar as you just did Paul, and thought to switch on Peak Extend. It just *has* to be for the better because I can see that without it something is wrong.
And it helped. Never switched if off anymore either.
After this USB3 came around, and I never compared without PE, but I don't think I should ...
Btw, I am reluctant now to solve that problem (there without PE) because it "does" something which for some might workout for the better. Well, it did to us, or does with USB2. And oh, no idea what happens to people without NOS1 - I don't think we had feedback about that.
So yes. If we allow ourselves to think that things get better again from USB3 (and/or my XXHE tweak for that matter), the wrongness of something else gets profound. This seems to be such a situation.
I say it more often - distortion creates freshness up to sheer enhancement. Why not, when so many things are wrong in the first place. I don't mean bugs in software or anything, but how digital translates to analogue, and our systems in general (too much noise in there, blahblah).
But when other things get better, the particular distortion doesn't work out. Then it deteriorates.
Ok, when I ever find this bug (which seems a compiler bug) or when I can work around it, I can always have a "distort" button in there and one can activate it, right ?
So to be clear, whatever I wrote about how I perceive the sound of USB3, this has always been with PE On.
Others may try it too and let know what they think.
Thanks for sharing Paul !