Hi Peter, interesting right?
Now, just for the heck of it, switch Schumann OFF, listen to the same tracks and watch your consciousness.
I'm interested how you would describe what you peceive now.
As I said earlier, I hardly ever A-B, and so I didn't do it. But what happened was this :
After two months or so (could be 6 weeks, I don't know anymore) I needed the wall outlet, and pulled the Schumann out. I don't really want to listen with it anyway (as an enhancer) so I left it be. I left it be for the cable cleanup department, which passes by each x months anyway. Just a necessity because otherwise things really pile up fast (like I just let the Schumann lay around behind the cabinet concerned).
I never payed attention to it, hence I didn't realize it was out now, and also the fun of it was behind me. I didn't bother.
How big was my surprise that two months back (and many months after I pulled it out) I found the thing in some other wall outlet in the room.
What happened is that the cable cleanup department found the device, and instead of putting it to eBay it was put in use again. Somewhere else. I didn't know, nor did I notice.
So much for the effects of it, which maybe still have been there, but of course nothing in my mind was thinking about causes towards the Schumann thing. Dangerous by itself, because I could have been seeking for unexplained changes in sound. But alas.
Actually here the story is finished, weren't it for the fact that I just didn't want to have the thing active. So, I told my wife I found the thing active and whether it would be a problem somehow to take it out, but from there the suggestion came that maybe that was the best idea because of all the dust piling up to such an abnormal extend. Hmm, well, there could be logic in this, thinking about how the thing operates.
So it was pulled out, and by now it is safe to have the conclusion that indeed it really matters for attrackting dust. Maybe not attrackting, but merely make it come down from the air, while otherwise it keeps on floating, or spread more towards other places.
Rapping it up, let's think about the reverse effect *without* explicit A-B. I mean, if this would make your mind more open or something and e.g. rain drops can be heard right through very loud music, how would I discover not to hear those raindrops anymore without the Schumann in ? Impossible I think.