Dear Russ,
I still owe you a big thanks for the cake and everything; at the time of your post I didn't come around to it.
Yes, as it looks this is three years now, apparently a good time to at last change the GUI - and introduce some stability issues again.
I just looked it up, but the real start was at March 20, 2006, when I received a first email of my friend Carlos - natural walking jitter expert.
The actual roots though will have been the TheaterTek period (so sadly passed now), where I started with combining the movies with good sound. And I still think I am the only one using a PC to DAC connection which all starts with software decoding (of DTS etc.) in the PC.
Allright, let's say I am slow on things, but it really couldn't go faster. And, of course I have to thank everybody just using XXHighEnd and by that means contributing to the best sounding player existing at this moment (ok, this is what I think), and which I never could have done alone. It just takes too much time to do the listening on your own, and besides that, who am I to have the best ears.
I said it before, and I will keep on doing it : thank you all.