G'day Peter,
Since the invocation of the "back album cover" as part of the desktop wallpaper ( nice feature by the way
), I have noticed a few of my album covers have exceeded the height of the desktop when displayed, resulting in the top and bottom being cut off. I'm assumming this occurs because the covers in question are not conforming to the general practice of having square cover art. This is generally not a problem for normal CD coverart, but music extracted from DVD's or some online outlets, like AIX Records, have their cover art in more of a portrait format.
Could you try and accommodate these non-square covert art pictures by perhaps having an additional parameter we specify which limits the height of the wallpaper that your scaling will not exceed. This would undoubtedly result in the overall width of the wallpaper being reduced in those instances, but it would mean the top and bottom would be visible.
Hope this makes sense.
FYI ... I run my desktop at 1280 x 800 pixels, and currently have the "Show as Wallpaper Width" set to 626 pixels. This nicely fills the width of my screen with a few pixels spare either side. An example of an album I have issues with is "Acousic Guitar" by "Peppino D'agostino" from AIX Records. The album art I created is 382 x 570 pixels. When scaled currently I don't see any of the top or bottom status fields in the wallpaper.