Ouch Robert - so difficult !
Coincidentally I saw your "Paypal aquisitions" this morning and was thinking about you and how you would benefit from the OS RAM disk. This, while I did not hear you about it, until - coincidence ? - just now.
For you, possibly it is not about the From RAM as such, but the sheer comfort of being able to swap OS so easily. Thus, nobody tells you that you need to boot the OS from RAM. You can do it (and you have your NAS running I think, so you really can), but it is about the change of OS which is so easy.
But now my very first thought, reading your post :
Arghh .... don't do 10586.0 without Intona !
And then I *still* wonder about te combination of it all and what it brings. But also :
I think you have the Clairixa as well. So, formally (!) you'll need that short Clairixa and now that adds up (144 incl. shipping for you).
Man, I'm sitting back for 5 minutes here, and I can't decide either. I mean, if I hadn't had the OS RAM disk stuff, I probably never would have tried 10586.0 again and had never known it was the better one, with Intona now;
Without Intona 10586.0 would not have been the better one, and I sure was satisfied with 10074.
Ehm ... depend on me (and possibly soon others) that 10586.0 is the better one, while knowing that me and the others most probably all have a NOS1(a) which you have not ?
Your post is justified.
Ehm again ... if you need that 2nd Clairixa and you like to have the RAM OS SSD, then you save 44 on shipping ?
With the notice that this is actually 54 or so because now the shipping from here is in bulk to everyone and therefore 10 cheaper now ? (read : order something as small / light as Clairixa or SSD later and shipping will be 54 for you).
I'm of not much help.