If you all only followed precisely what it written …
But you don't. If I'm only looking at this topic and all what's made up …
For example, kill XXData folders. Why ?? that is there for common data across XXHE versions.
Yes, Alain obtained 10 Codes via Paypal. So, that works if you follow HIS way of working. But why ?
Of course, people will automatically try to find (and announce) their ways if they think that "Undemo" behind Core Appointment has vanished. But isn't that slightly ignorant when everything and all tells about those red borders ? But to be honest, one thing :
Only the later z7 test versions told (by email) about those borders. So, the early guys don't know about that. Well, almost, because where did you obtain the "official" z7 ? right, from that page that also contains the Release Notes. I think that in the beginning in there it again refers to Activation and stuff. But then again otoh, who is going to read that, knowing it was read already …
This all still does not prevent thing from being wrong. But the main problem is and remains that you all think you can do it differently from how I tell to do it. If you start out with not doing that, one thing remains : "Peter I did such and so, but I see no red borders". But don't forget to tell that you in between went back to restore points and what not. In such a case you will be lost (because no procedure is obviously there for such acts) and I am lost too hence I can't help. For that matter Alain's way is a safe one. But you don't hear me say that it is *the* way. But for our fun (Alain knows it), he is the first never to read what to do. Very good for this testing btw. So Alain knows Alain, and that is his way.
Nevertheless, super that all help out so much. But it really should be simple … The Activation I mean, the Minimized stuff may be another matter).
One thing to add :
I think it is crucial to start with z7 while the OS is in Normal Mode. And, it is not so logical at all to have it like that when you start with z7. I could make that mistake for 100% sure. THIS part of the procedure is written nowhere.
Guys, I can see that I am m ranting somewhat, but this is not how I feel. But it really is difficult for me to keep track of all your happenings, especially when you did not follow procedures without telling. You can imagine that !
So, by now I don't know where I said it, but something seems to be wrong with Minimized itself. I can't be denied. Unless all of you now suddenly admit that you never looked at red borders and actually don't have clue what this is all about. Then Minimized is OK after all.
Ok, over to you !