XXHighEnd - The Ultra HighEnd Audio Player
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 on: April 11, 2024, 08:19:54 am 
Started by Erwin - Last post by Erwin
To verify all this, i did some basic obervations in the windows resource monitor.

When i disable UPnP in JRiver (the Renderer in my setup) Networking is Zero, all networking dissapears from the monitor. Only now and then it pops up, with very little activity, but obviously that is for other stuff besides the UPnP part.

When i start the UPnP Renderer service (actually it is DLNA) some ports are opened and activity is as follows (orange line in the graphs is JRiver, mediacenter32.exe, and ofcourse a Remote Desktop session runs to be able to see this)

When i play a 24/192 song via Tidal in the controller app, the file is thrown over to the renderers memory with about 128Mbps, so it takes a couple of seconds to load the entire song in the Renderer, and networking again drops very low. Playing starts already while the file is still 'downloaded'. You can see some communication is still going on while playing, this is explained in the links i provided earlier.

and this is what that looks like in the Control Point app running on my Android phone (app is BubbleUPnP), i made some screenshots showing the Tidal menu, basicly all the Tidal funcionality is there, like showing the album for the current song, playing track radio, saving to playlists, etc. In the top right you can select what device to play to, You can play locally in this app, as in on the device itself, or to a UPnP renderer, or a Chromecast, even some smart TV's are supported i believe. Volume, etc, it all works, pressing the phone volume buttons send commands (via the UPnP protocol) to the renderer to change volume accordingly. How convenient...

But, as a stated in my previous post, you can kill the control point app, and playing resumes for the one song that is started. Here i pressed Play in the control point app and immediatly after i closed the control point app. Playing resumes but you can see there is no networking anymore

So would you still call all this 'Streaming?'

i have absolutely no idea what freedom there is in the UPnP AV (or DLNA) protocol about what networking to use and what not etc, but i would like to find out

 on: April 08, 2024, 12:42:49 pm 
Started by Erwin - Last post by Erwin
Hi Peter,

And thank you for digesting this :-)

though i'm not sure you fully understand where i'm getting at. This post is by no means a complaint about the XXHighend UI, if i had wishes about that you would have known by now ;-) i care more about the end result, which is is ofcourse enjoying music. To play music from my (network)hard drive i can do everything with XXHighend i would want.

But to elaborate further what this post is about then. I think there are 2 points i'm getting at. The one point is, convenience, who would not want the convenience of a streaming service? Heck, thats why you implemented the Tidal 'download' function in the first place. When i'm on the go or at work, i listen to music via Tidal (as background in a lo-fi envirment) and this provides me with inspiration for what i want to listen when at home. So i save sometimes save to a playlist and when i'm at home i can play that list with almost one push of a button.
Another point is, i read a lot from you here how Tidal changed this, changed that, giving you headaches on how to keep the download function working, etc. But still you keep up, proving how important this is to you, or indirectly how important it is for other users of XXhighend.

But there it goes wrong. At least to begin with.

XXHighEnd is that because of its ultra low footprint for the Sound Engine (you can hardly detect CPU cycles when it plays - even during upsampling to 705.6/768.

There is a reason that I don't allow streaming - this is because it won't sound good at all; you can read about that everywhere, although nobody guesses that this is abou that footprint again.

I understand what you are saying, but are you sure the UPnP way really is streaming in the way you mean? I know for fact the music file is brought into the PC memory when it plays, because after a few seconds of commencing a song, you can even disconnect the Control Point and the music plays on just fine. When i go into the PC by Remote Desktop, i can even replay that same last song in the JRiver player, so it must still be in the PC's memory. From what i can tell with my limited knowledge about this, is the file location from where the music file is brought in, is only a proxy running on the control point, so Tidal still thinks your playing on the control point, when in fact you grab that file over the network and bring it into the PC's memory

When i select a Tidal song in my Control Point app and press play, the renderer (PC) almost instantly plays it, with only half or 1 second of delay, so i think the file is still being downloaded while playing already commenced, and that is obviously what we don't want.

Now what if the UPnP architecture allows for the Renderer to wait with playing until the full file is downloaded (which is probably only seconds anyway), and what if the remaining required networking would not be that different from the current RDC way.... or possibly even better...?
You can even kill networking entirely, because once the song is started, the Renderer will play it completely also when the connection with de Control Point is lost.
I'm almost sure this UPnP architecture allows for commands to be sent from the Rendere to the Control point at the end of the song (at least it already does now), to let the Control Point send the commands for the next song in the playlist. This wil obviously also disable pause/stop and volume functions, so a middle way should be most practical. Maybe it is even possible to let the user select between these options..?

So all in all, if this is all possible, would this not be the perfect solution to use Tidal with XXHighend? And because the XXHighend side in this case has nothing to do with Tidal directly anymore (because that is the control points deal), would that not save you from a lot of continiously reoccuring work too?

Ever thought of how a USB cable (I don't know whether your have a configurable Lush^2 or ^3) so (more than) vastly can influence SQ ? officially it can't. But everything, really everything matters.

I have a Lush^2. Although i have some other fish to fry first (i'm working on room acoustics right now) and i think my PC is not optimal, i use a Intel® Xeon® E5-2650L (v1) 1.8GHz Octa Core on some chinese motherboard, have set up XXHighend to play from ram, but no ramdisk.  I may have to upgrade or try another PC. But to be honest i think i will not look into that until next fall.

But I sincerely thank you for the contribution !
Happy to share my ideas! BTW I deliberatly posted this here so others could read along.


 on: April 06, 2024, 01:05:49 pm 
Started by briefremarks - Last post by Chad
Hi Peter. Yes, I own Sigma speakers. They replaced my diy Orelinos. As an amp I use Bert's gain clone amplifier which seems to be very good match. God knows how many amps I've tested during the years...

Since I have not heard original Orelinos or Orelo i cannot say anything about which is "better". They must have their differences since the bass section is different between the models. Edit: Also Orelo and Orelino have active horn section if i am not mistaken.

 on: April 06, 2024, 06:23:15 am 
Started by dsm - Last post by PeterSt
Did you swap output cables ? then you can prove whether it is that NOS1.
What I am thinking of is that it is possible that at such an earlier louder pop situation a fuse in the amp blew (a plop is a high current high transient burst). Thus, inputs at the amp can be protected by fuse, and this is then per channel.

Also, when you don't check the DC Offset and one channel is completely off (a 1 or -1 shows), that channel may be completely silent.

 on: April 05, 2024, 03:19:36 pm 
Started by dsm - Last post by dsm
Hi Peter,

Then you'd have a dysfunctional NOS1. Everything is possible, but it would be the very first time. The person you got it from should know about it, right ?  innocent

Yes, but I still want to test it with a different amp but have not had time. I do feel like it was unlikely that something could be defective and maybe just something with my situation knocked it over the edge.  I'm in a new studio and when I can test it, I'll set up something in the house so all will be different.



 on: April 05, 2024, 09:42:25 am 
Started by Erwin - Last post by PeterSt
Hello again Erwin - Thanks for this all !

In my case the media renderer is the PC where the NOS1 is connected to. There is software which provides the UPnP functionality. I juse JRiver Media center.

But there it goes wrong. At least to begin with.

XXHighEnd is that because of its ultra low footprint for the Sound Engine (you can hardly detect CPU cycles when it plays - even during upsampling to 705.6/768.

There is a reason that I don't allow streaming - this is because it won't sound good at all; you can read about that everywhere, although nobody guesses that this is abou that footprint again.

You have your good reasons to have that UPnP control point, but avoiding a (stupid) user interface for the work involved on my side with only negative (SQ !) result is really not worth the trouble.
Btw, you can use XXHighEnd's "control point" on your phone just as well - just set the proper scaling. Well workable, still not the nicest, and if you reall want to search for music and select it, a tablet still is the best (totally nothing wrong with that).

But whatever can be complained about the user interface, I wouldn't care less once I am used to it (and you are too) if it only brings the better SQ.

N.b.: To picture better what it all is about (about not streaming and such) : XXHighEnd is a pure memory player. So all music you play (e.g. an album) goes into memory first. Some people have applications to even pull the network cable during playback (then no control possible, unless on the renderer machine with a keyboard connect or other tweaks which tweaks are always very audible (SQ gets worse)), so everything matters.

Ever thought of how a USB cable (I don't know whether your have a configurable Lush^2 or ^3) so (more than) vastly can influence SQ ? officially it can't. But everything, really everything matters.

But I sincerely thank you for the contribution !

 on: April 05, 2024, 09:22:20 am 
Started by dsm - Last post by PeterSt
Hi again David,

Then you'd have a dysfunctional NOS1. Everything is possible, but it would be the very first time. The person you got it from should know about it, right ?  innocent


 on: April 03, 2024, 02:21:11 pm 
Started by dsm - Last post by dsm
Right channel : You have the Driver settings wrong in the NOS Control Panel (should be Multi Channel 4.0) and/or you have Switch #5 in the wrong position (should be down).


Hi Peter,

No those were set correctly and I checked them many times.


 on: April 03, 2024, 02:43:42 am 
Started by dsm - Last post by PeterSt
Right channel : You have the Driver settings wrong in the NOS Control Panel (should be Multi Channel 4.0) and/or you have Switch #5 in the wrong position (should be down).


 on: April 02, 2024, 03:33:46 pm 
Started by dsm - Last post by dsm

Any time you reboot the Audio PC OS, you can lose connection to the NOS1.  Generally, the following has worked for me.
- Close XXHE
- Restart NOS1, either using the on/off switch at the back or resetting Switch #2 (I always mix us if this is #4 or #2--it is the one that turns the DAC off/on, not the battery switch)
- Make sure your DC offset is set correctly.
- Relaunch XXHE

You may sometimes need to reboot the Audio PC as well.

Unfortunately, I was not able to get the driver working and switched to a backup RAM OS in order to get things running again.

As far as the pop and channel loss, I was able to try another NOS1 G3 and the pop when switching sample rates became tolerable but most importantly, the right channel did not go out. Everything now is working great with this other DAC.

I still haven't been able to test the DAC with the channel trouble on a different system to see how it behaves.


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