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 on: June 28, 2024, 12:11:58 am 
Started by briefremarks - Last post by briefremarks

There are two switches on the right side of the case on the Mach III.  The switch to the front controls the fan (turns it on when up, and off when down).  What does the other switch do?  At present it is in the down position.  I noticed recently that the core temperature at idle is running around 58 C, which seems hotter than it should be.  The Mach III is inside a cabinet without a back and some decent ventilation.  Wondering if the Mach III should not be placed inside a cabinet.


 on: June 22, 2024, 02:45:48 am 
Started by briefremarks - Last post by briefremarks

A quick note to say that in a world filled increasingly with "too big to care" monopolies selling mediocre products and basically abusing customers who have no choice, Phasure is an exceptional reminder of how the world might be with community based companies delivering superior products. 

I had a power outage that I thought had damaged the NOS1, sent Peter a note well past midnight EU time, and received a response almost immediately.  It's easy to take this level of support for granted.  It is truly remarkable, and I'm sure this community realizes how very exceptional it is.

I was reminded of this particularly today because of the contrast with Peter's response versus the complete non-response I had earlier in the day from the above-mentioned "too big to care" monopolies.


 on: June 22, 2024, 02:11:24 am 
Started by Jack - Last post by briefremarks
Update.  Everything working now.  I changed the battery from a set of new batteries without first checking the voltage of the new battery.  It turns out the one I used was reading +5V instead of +9V. Changed to a proper new battery.  Offset indicators are working.  All good.  I have never used surge protectors with the audio system, because I was never able to find one that did not affect SQ.  Does anyone have good experiences with a surge protector?  Reliable power sadly cannot be taken for granted in California anymore.

 on: June 22, 2024, 01:23:51 am 
Started by Jack - Last post by briefremarks
The good news is that everything is working again, after reconnecting and rebooting.  Except for the voltage offset indicators.  They are still blank.

 on: June 21, 2024, 11:32:22 pm 
Started by Jack - Last post by briefremarks

I just faced this exact situation. I keep the NOS1a, Mach III, and Orelos on 24x7.  Just had a power outage. Power came back on.  Mach III boots up and functions, NOS1 showing no signs of life.  Checked fuses (OK), replaced battery. With switch 4, light above offset indicators comes on and off.  But offset indicators are blank.  Nothing showing.  Wondering how to proceed next.


 on: May 15, 2024, 05:40:39 am 
Started by Arjan - Last post by briefremarks

Can you elaborate on what you mean by Switch #5?


 on: May 10, 2024, 07:43:31 pm 
Started by Arjan - Last post by Arjan
Solved, switch #5 (again)

 on: May 09, 2024, 06:36:58 pm 
Started by Arjan - Last post by Arjan

I use the Phasure dac. When the button in the dac setting area is activated the button is red, correct?
It is blue when not activated, correct?

The sound stage when activated is much smaller (within the speakers) then when not activated.

I prefer the sound when not activated.  wacko bzz To be honest the best I have ever heard.

The upsampling and custom filtering when not activated is limited to 352 but still.....

Question: am I doing something wrong?

Remark: my listening room is really small.

kind regards

 on: April 16, 2024, 05:13:05 am 
Started by Erwin - Last post by Erwin
Haha thanks for the effort prize :-)

Please do take your time digesting this. I'm definitely not asking for you to rush in to this stuff right away or anything.

Instead all i'm asking is if you knew something about the workings of this upnp/dlna stuff and if it can be a thing for XXhighend... because this protocol already exists from what? More than 10 or even 15 years, could be a possibility you already considered this.

I used the xxhighend tidal download functionality way before i found out the way we are discussing here, but from the moment i started with that, i was wondering if it would also be a possibility with xxhighend instead of JRiver. Turns out that may be even so considering the networking activity.

I have no idea what it is exactly that lets JRiver handle tidal's files this way, besides tidal probably not even knowing that is going on at all, since the flac files are proxy'd on the control point's IP. Not even sure i'm saying it right but you probably know what i mean ;-) i bet you will know soon enough once you decide to look into it.

But like i said, would definitevely not rush in to this, and only continue with this when you can see a great demand for it for lots of users, and SQ is NOT comprimised. I can also think of some downsides. Like for instance what if Tidal's (or also Qobuz in BubbleUPnP's case) policy will also prevent using its music this way? Relying on a third party app for control maybe is not optimal, so i would really think about longetivity of these control apps etc. And completely bypassing xxhighends UI when playing like this is also something you can love or hate to do of course

Good idea about trieing to pull ethernet all together, will try that when i'm home again next week.

 on: April 14, 2024, 07:48:54 pm 
Started by Erwin - Last post by PeterSt
Erwin !

You are one of those who deserves a prize for your efforts alone.
Maybe it even deserves me working it out (after all). In any event you're a man to my heart with those (Taskmanager etc.) details.

All right - I only read this minutes ago and I must digest it (and read it again a couple of times).
It feels a bit like Android doing the trick here, because that allows formally for playing offline. ... I don't even know how formal this all really is, and to what degree it is actually known that it can work like this. What do you think ? is this known indeed, or did you just found out yourself ?

What's comes across as odd to me, is the (not-) streaming part, which would go unnoticed. Thus, who would know or see the difference, unless you pull the cable ? But careful, because you pull the cable of the control point (which would be Android in your case) and you did not put the Ethernet cable. I think you showed sufficiently you could do that as well, but you did not do that and also did not contemplate that (IIRC after reading all one time). Or did you ?

On a side note, in the last version of XXHighEnd - which contained the special download for Tidal personnel so they could check the working (which never happened and instead I was kicked out), exactly that happens; when playing Attendedly, you (Erwin) would be able to show exactly the same, with no hiccups between tracks. As if it was streaming, but it still was not. Thus exactly your story, hence I surely understand and how it could work. Btw, similar to what Audirvana does from its start - telling that it plays from memory while it takes a minute to do so, in parallel to playing itself. Read : that *thus* does not work (out) at all and sounds poor. Only XXHighEnd really plays from memory (say a full album) without any further intervention.

... But I would be able to let it work, at least when not gapless is allowed. You'll understand. Or other trickery I can't oversee yet.

So I will need to dive into this - and like to. The when is more problematic these days, but we'll see. If you have to spout more meanwhile, don't hesitate.  sounds good !


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