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 on: July 23, 2024, 08:19:31 pm 
Started by briefremarks - Last post by PeterSt
Hi Ramesh,

The best I can do is refer to the mere beginning of this board and the "More bass" and such topics (two of them exist). There I let "you" the customers change things in the DSP itself - already quite a task. Turning this upside down : if you can't perform that, then all stops, because it is part of the job.

The (indeed) REW part is something you can learn, but it requires a measurement microphone and an A/D converter to get from the microphone to the digital data in REW.

The measuring itself ? a job which requires a lot of experience. But what you always can do is measure the base (as how all outputs currently) and gradually change things (in the DSP) which you *and* will see happening *and* will hear happening.

See you in a year ? wacko
(not talking physical visits Rules).

Best regards,

 on: July 22, 2024, 02:10:18 am 
Started by briefremarks - Last post by briefremarks

I've moved the Orelos back to the living room, and am wondering how the DSP for the Orelos are tuned.  They sound very good.  Should I try to measure frequency response with REW or something like that, and check to see if the DSP parameters are optimal?  I realize I know nothing about the DSP in the Orelo, and how it is setup.  Any information, or link to threads on the forum, would be very helpful.


 on: July 17, 2024, 01:08:31 pm 
Started by PeterSt - Last post by PeterSt
Hi again Drew,

You can ask what you want, as long as it is for a compatible OS.
This is all about going to Minimized OS, which is not possible without Activation anyway, which will kill the OS when attempted if not compatible.
On an other note, nobody forces you into MinOS, but it is there where the magic happens. This is where the OS for Music Reproduction resides.
Without MinOS and with Unattended there's a glimpse of that too, but way less.

Anyway, no need for an Activated version in order to ask questions - as long as it is on the forum (here).

Best regards,

 on: July 16, 2024, 04:20:53 pm 
Started by PeterSt - Last post by Drew65
Thank you for responding Peter. A family member found a copy and I'm going to set up the pc soon. If this copy doesn't work I'll ask after I purchase xxhe.

 on: July 14, 2024, 10:09:02 am 
Started by PeterSt - Last post by PeterSt
Hi Drew,

The 14393.0 version would be available through me. But it is only available on request and when an Activation Code for XXHighEnd has been obtained first. This is not to get your money, but because this has been the agreement with the person who made it available to me/Phasure myself.

Best regards,

 on: July 11, 2024, 12:08:15 pm 
Started by PeterSt - Last post by Drew65
Hi Peter and everyone!
I have been searching through the forum and haven't found a working link or app to Win10 14393.0.
Does anyone know where I could source an Iso? I'm setting up a pc and would like to stick with a compatible build version to avoid windows problems.

 on: July 03, 2024, 08:52:55 pm 
Started by briefremarks - Last post by briefremarks
Thank you Anatole.  I use CoreTemp to monitor the core temperatures. Recently, and in the new cabinet, they range from 58-61 idling, and rise to about 63 under load.  The back of the cabinet is open, and if I open the front doors, the idle temp drops to around 55.  Part of the issue is not a lot of clearance on the sides.  I'm going to experiment a little. Contingency solution is to place the Mach III on top of the cabinet.  Of course, that will upset other residents of the household!

 on: July 03, 2024, 05:04:14 am 
Started by briefremarks - Last post by anatolewilson
Use monitoring software to keep an eye on your Mach III's temperatures, especially under load. If temperatures are consistently high (above 80°C under load or 60°C at idle for CPUs), it's a sign of potential cooling issues.

 on: June 28, 2024, 08:44:24 pm 
Started by briefremarks - Last post by briefremarks

Thank you.  Clears it up. Front switch down is ON--my mistake.  Back switch down means higher speed for steady fan.  I'll take the covers off and dust the Mach III over the weekend.

Sound is fantastic.


 on: June 28, 2024, 12:21:24 pm 
Started by briefremarks - Last post by PeterSt
Hi Ramesh,

58C is very normal, but best would be if the fans don't switch on in order to maintain it at that level. I think at 61C the fans switch on.

Of course, in a cabinet the heat will build up somewhat; also with decent ventilation.

Do you regularly undust your Mach III ? that will really do wonders if you never do that (you will see what I mean if you take off the cover).

Btw, switch Down means On (you said it the other way around).

That other switch increases the "steady fan" speed somewhat. Down is higher. Thus, especially with a warmer ambient (say 100F) it may be necessary to increase the fan speed somewhat, so the other fans stay off. Thus, having those on/off all the time (white led goes along with that), is not the best for a steady sound.

I hope it is clear a little !

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