Hi Ramesh,
Unfortunately the DSP settings can not be read out. I know, not much user friendly, but that is how Hypex made it ... So it is expected that you know what the settings are, register that (after changes) and maintain that documentation. Notice that you (everybody) received that documention from me, together with the speakers. Knowing this now, you will find (implied) references to it in the topics I referred to in my first post.
Documentation : This is merely the DSP settings file which is used by the Hypex software to load its settings from, and which are meant to be equal to what you uploaded to the speaker (which is called "downloading" by the software). Indeed via USB (from your PC running the Hypex software to the speaker).
This should get you started ? But please take note of the very first thing to do : find your DSP settings file, given by you together with the Hypex software. If you don't have that / don't use that, you will be over-writing what's in the speaker with "nothing". BTW, you will have done the procedure at replacing Hypex boards ?
Best regards, Peter