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 on: November 04, 2024, 05:49:20 pm 
Started by Drew65 - Last post by PeterSt
Hi there Drew,

I can not be sure at all, but it looks like you may have taken a short cut on the reinstall of XXHighEnd. Something like : "let's do the base of that and next copy back from some folder structure I saved".
... And that won't work ...

I don't recall that this happened to anyone, but I see it described in the code. So the remedy is also not really known. Yeah, reinstall the Windows OS again and reinstall XXHighEnd from scratch and re-do all the settings of that (if you know those in the first place).

What you also could attempt as a first :
- Delete your XXHighEnd folder and its sub folders.
- Delete the XXDat folder you pointed at during the initial install (or else look for folders named like that).
- Ask a for a new Activation Code per email (you will receive instructions on how to implement that).

If you did not restore anything of the kind I suggested, please say so. Then we must look for an other reason, or else it may (will ?) happen again.

I may not respond immediately to emails, as I am not always there to monitor it.

Best regards for now,

 on: November 04, 2024, 02:03:38 am 
Started by Drew65 - Last post by Drew65
Dang it, sorry everyone. The pictures didn't upload. Let's try again

 on: November 03, 2024, 10:37:05 am 
Started by Drew65 - Last post by Drew65
I'm wondering if anyone has seen these four errors before and if it's to do with the core structure? I have a risen 5 3500X 6c 6t cpu, 8gb ram and a m2 Samsung eco ssd. I was running xxhe successfully on a dell optiplex i5 4c 8t but had to use that pc for something else. I've followed all the instructions carefully and tried reinstalling windows 14393.0.
1st error is opening xxhe
/Volumes/TSB USB DRV/xlogin.PNG
Second error is trying to select any core scheme
/Volumes/TSB USB DRV/xpcas.PNG
Third error is trying to launch into minis after restore point created
/Volumes/TSB USB DRV/xminos.PNG
Final error randomly comes up
/Volumes/TSB USB DRV/xrand.PNG

 on: October 27, 2024, 10:42:03 am 
Started by rutger21 - Last post by PeterSt
Hi Erwin,

Apologies about a late reply.

Of course you don't need to worry about the pinout, or else numerous people would have problems with the connection (which theoretically would be about Absolute Phase only, which can be inversed in software anyway).

Best regards,

 on: October 22, 2024, 10:54:05 pm 
Started by rutger21 - Last post by Erwin
Hi Peter, i also have a related XLR question. My G3 has RCA and XLR outputs, i plan to use the XLR but i was wondering about the pin-out, can you specify these? To use on a differential input of course.



Edit: i guess i just want to double check if the XLR connection is wired like most other XLR gear, so pin 1 as shield/chassis, And pin 2 and 3 as 'hot' and 'cold'?

 on: October 21, 2024, 05:06:15 am 
Started by music33 - Last post by PeterSt
Hi Dave,

Glad that you found something. But if not sure after all, please notice that these days you won't have real reasons for the integrated CD/DVD drive. That will make your search a lot easier.

If the USB does not work there, then no big deal.

Snapped wires ? I don't recall that much. But if you did not do/cause that, then fine.

Best regards,

 on: October 21, 2024, 01:06:45 am 
Started by music33 - Last post by music33
I know I've accidentally said 3.5 instead of 2.5 drive; my apologies.
In any case, I found a replacement - Syba 5.25" Bay Adapter for Slim Optical Drive, 2.5" Trayless Rack for Hard Drives HDD SSD, USB Hub - SY-MRA55005.

I put this here as I would not be surprised if other people eventually have this problem.  Hopefully, the replacement will go smoothly.

The USB ports do not work as the cable has been snipped.  I'm sure it was done for audio excellence.

 on: October 19, 2024, 09:58:17 pm 
Started by music33 - Last post by music33
I might have found a replacement - Silverstone SST-FS301

Although the broken 3.5 removable drive bay has a 4-pin connector in the back with a wire going to it, the one I mentioned, the Silverstone SST-FS301, only has a 2-pin connector. Does the 4-pin wire matter?

Also, I noticed the broken 3.5 removable drive bay has 2 USB connectors. Would connecting a 3.5 removable drive bay to the USB work?

Again thanks.

 on: October 19, 2024, 09:12:07 pm 
Started by music33 - Last post by music33
The SIlverStone door that locks and unlocks the RAM-OS drive broke. Do you happen to know what I could replace it with?

I have just moved my entire system into a new location, and now this happens.  Ugghhh.
Many thanks in advance for any ideas. 

 on: October 08, 2024, 08:55:45 am 
Started by briefremarks - Last post by PeterSt

What you probably ran into, is just the building of the first time total structure. For me this takes an hour just the same. After this has been built, it is memorized (stored on disk). But also : newly added albums will only appear in that total list when it is rebuilt. This is a matter of asking for it via Search with no search arguments, tell it not to get from Tidal and some more; you will see it happening when the question appears : "Do you really want to ..." (and then mentioning the number of entries). This is to be answered by No, unless you'd explicitly want to rebuild it (and lose the PC for an hour or so).

Anyway, that was it ...


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