Hi there Drew,
I can not be sure at all, but it looks like you may have taken a short cut on the reinstall of XXHighEnd. Something like : "let's do the base of that and next copy back from some folder structure I saved".
... And that won't work ...
I don't recall that this happened to anyone, but I see it described in the code. So the remedy is also not really known. Yeah, reinstall the Windows OS again and reinstall XXHighEnd from scratch and re-do all the settings of that (if you know those in the first place).
What you also could attempt as a first :
- Delete your XXHighEnd folder and its sub folders.
- Delete the XXDat folder you pointed at during the initial install (or else look for folders named like that).
- Ask a for a new Activation Code per email (you will receive instructions on how to implement that).
If you did not restore anything of the kind I suggested, please say so. Then we must look for an other reason, or else it may (will ?) happen again.
I may not respond immediately to emails, as I am not always there to monitor it.
Best regards for now,