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Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: RamOS Silverstone door broke
on: October 21, 2024, 01:06:45 am
I know I've accidentally said 3.5 instead of 2.5 drive; my apologies. In any case, I found a replacement - Syba 5.25" Bay Adapter for Slim Optical Drive, 2.5" Trayless Rack for Hard Drives HDD SSD, USB Hub - SY-MRA55005.
I put this here as I would not be surprised if other people eventually have this problem. Hopefully, the replacement will go smoothly.
The USB ports do not work as the cable has been snipped. I'm sure it was done for audio excellence.
Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: RamOS Silverstone door broke
on: October 19, 2024, 09:58:17 pm
I might have found a replacement - Silverstone SST-FS301
Although the broken 3.5 removable drive bay has a 4-pin connector in the back with a wire going to it, the one I mentioned, the Silverstone SST-FS301, only has a 2-pin connector. Does the 4-pin wire matter?
Also, I noticed the broken 3.5 removable drive bay has 2 USB connectors. Would connecting a 3.5 removable drive bay to the USB work?
Again thanks.
Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / RamOS Silverstone door broke
on: October 19, 2024, 09:12:07 pm
The SIlverStone door that locks and unlocks the RAM-OS drive broke. Do you happen to know what I could replace it with?
I have just moved my entire system into a new location, and now this happens. Ugghhh. Many thanks in advance for any ideas.
Ultimate Audio Playback / Phasure NOS1 DAC / NOS1 DAC with BlueSound Node
on: May 20, 2023, 09:09:27 pm
I have a BlueSound Node and was thinking about using it as a streaming device to the Phasure DAC. From my understanding using a USB connection isn't going to work because I can't get the Phasure drivers on the BlueSound Node OS. Even if I could, the OS is not Windows. The other option is to use a digital coaxial cable. This should work as no drivers are needed. Does the Phasure DAC have a digital coaxial input? Any advice appreciated. Is this a foolish endeavor.
Thanks, Dave
Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: RDC not connecting to XXHE all of a sudden.
on: October 06, 2022, 02:02:23 pm
The PC with XXHE is the Mach II loading the OS into memory. Whatever the default OS is the one it loads. It is not connected to the internet. I have rebooted both machines several times. I need to put the graphics card back into the Mach II to help me troubleshoot.
Maybe this is red herring, but I think I closed down the computer I RDC from without disconnecting from the RDC session. Perhaps some remnants got left over... I usually disconnect the RDC session before I turn off the computer.
Thanks, Dave
Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / RDC not connecting to XXHE all of a sudden.
on: October 06, 2022, 04:30:27 am
I have a dedicated Windows 7 laptop that I use to to RDC into XXHE. It has worked for years and even yesterday. Today I tried and RDC ends right after I move on from the certificate dialog box. I turned off the firewall, doesn't matter. The laptop isn't connected to the internet, so it has no updates. Any ideas appreciated. Thanks, Dave
Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd PC / Re: Mach 111 SQ
on: June 24, 2018, 05:37:18 pm
Hi Peter, I always appreciate your thoughts. Expressing music via words is extremely difficult and is very dependent on your point of reference. What we thought was great becomes mundane as we improve our system. For me the Mach III in combination with Phasure, XXHighend and Lush crosses a chasm in musical reproduction. It is not just speakers disappearing, better sound stage, blacker backgrounds, etc, etc - it is the unique combination of many different attributes coming together. This is why I use the over-arching terms like holistic and holographic. I think you've really captured the essence of the Mach III in this quote - And thus what I only realize now is that the novelty of the Stealth III can be put forward from at least two very different angles, if not three. So there's this high transients which so enormously well are represented (mind you, in reference to "not there at all" at first) and which only express in specialty music (no way Ray Brown will incur for it), there's the realistic angle which will be a summarization of all in there and which will give you the "I was there" feeling and which includes the superb (electric) basses and there's the more physical thing of the holistic presentation which btw also is expressed by my crackle because that too is everywhere and which highly contributes to the 3D experience
Peter mentioned he started the Mach III because they stopped producing the parts for the Mach II. Did he have any idea the impact the Mach III would have. As Peter says, how does a dumb PC imply all this change in music reproduction. This is why I think we have crossed a chasm – something has been uncovered or perhaps discovered. The combination of Peter applying this knowledge and advancing technology has me excited for the things to come.
Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd PC / Re: Mach 111 SQ
on: June 23, 2018, 06:49:42 pm
If you’ve been reading posts about the Mach III then you've read things like ‘crazy sound’ and ‘shattering good’. These superlatives coming from Peter had curiosity piqued. How much better could the sound get from switching the streaming device. When I heard that my friend Fred was getting the Mach III I was waiting patiently for the invite to come over. Last Tuesday I headed over. I have heard Fred’s system evolve over the years and I know how it sounded before the Mach II. I will say I am not great at explaining the sound of a system. As I reread the posts from Peter I can now understand what he was trying to get at as he described the sound from the Mach III. The words that come to mind when I think about what I heard was holistic, holographic and mesmerizing. From the drums, to string instruments, to brass instruments to voices all sounded authentic. The naturalness of the bass was the best I have heard. There was this uncanny separation of different instruments and voices that let me hear the texture of each. The sound stage had depth and width yet the sound was still tight and realistic. I’ve come to recognize in systems there is usually compromises made when trying to get the right sound quality. This is why us as audiophiles continue to change our equipment. The Mach III somehow unified all the qualities you would want in a system with out the compromises. One track that I know well is Rhythm of the Heat by Peter Gabriel. There is a part where there is whispering, it was like the whispering was 2 feet in front of the instruments. Some may be asking how the Mach III compares to the Mach II. Since I didn’t hear them one right after another it is hard to give specifics. All I can really say is last time at Fred’s house although the music was engaging it was not impactful. This time as I was driving home I was thinking this was ‘shattering good  A couple of random thoughts Check out Fred’s signature, this amazing sound was coming from very high quality, but very inexpensive speakers in the audiophile world. Technology is changing rapidly; more powerful chips are being announced utilizing less power consumption. I have a feeling between better technology and the things Peter has learned we will see the sound quality progress further. I’m thinking Peter should work on an amplifier 😉 I want to again thank Peter as he is truly bringing sound reproduction to an amazing level of realism and thus giving many audiophiles more joy in listening to music. Many thanks to Fred for allowing me to enjoy his system and look forward to visiting soon. Cheers, Dave
Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd PC / Re: Phasure Mach III Audio PC with Linear Power Supply
on: April 29, 2018, 03:48:10 pm
Peter, Can you comment on how much difference the number of cores makes in sound quality and how many cores you have been listening to? You mentioned you got acquainted with how to create 'speed; in an audio PC. Not asking for any secrets, but when you mention speed are you referring to the speed of processing data or the speed in terms of transient response (i.e. an audio system's ability to faithfully reproduce the quickness of transient signals). thanks, dave
Ultimate Audio Playback / Orelino / Orelo MKII Loudspeakers / Re: Sneak Preview of New Orelos
on: January 01, 2018, 11:46:23 pm
Hi Ramesh, First the speakers look gorgeous. I hope you don't mind a couple of questions. I notice the room is different in the earlier picture - did changing the room affect the sound. In the current room, what are the dimensions and how far is the listening position to the speakers. I ask as I have just moved my system to a room that looks similar. Thanks, Dave