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Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: Four errors and no minios
on: November 11, 2024, 01:38:18 pm
Hi Peter, I did copy over the program file. I tried deleting the XXDATA file and recreating it. In the end I reinstalled windows and extracted xxhighend to c drive (not programs). Followed the instal guides but still getting the same errors. I'll email you to check activation code.
Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Four errors and no minios
on: November 03, 2024, 10:37:05 am
Hello, I'm wondering if anyone has seen these four errors before and if it's to do with the core structure? I have a risen 5 3500X 6c 6t cpu, 8gb ram and a m2 Samsung eco ssd. I was running xxhe successfully on a dell optiplex i5 4c 8t but had to use that pc for something else. I've followed all the instructions carefully and tried reinstalling windows 14393.0. 1st error is opening xxhe /Volumes/TSB USB DRV/xlogin.PNG Second error is trying to select any core scheme /Volumes/TSB USB DRV/xpcas.PNG Third error is trying to launch into minis after restore point created /Volumes/TSB USB DRV/xminos.PNG Final error randomly comes up /Volumes/TSB USB DRV/xrand.PNG
Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: Getting Specific W10 Builds
on: July 11, 2024, 12:08:15 pm
Hi Peter and everyone! I have been searching through the forum and haven't found a working link or app to Win10 14393.0. Does anyone know where I could source an Iso? I'm setting up a pc and would like to stick with a compatible build version to avoid windows problems. Thanks