Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: Creating new XXHE install on machine with XXHE already installed
on: October 08, 2024, 05:16:32 am
Thank you for responding. I will investigate this further. As it turned out, after I posted my last note, I just left XXHE open with the wheel spinning and after about an hour the directory loaded. And now the loading is quick. I do have a music directory that is very large with very deep folder structure. Wonder if this might be causing a problem.
I'll keep at this. Thank you again. Sorry to be wasting time on this. I have become so used to the XXHE/Phasure sound, that even with this second system (with the Linkwitz LX521), I find it so much better than the Classe SSP-800 and other player front ends.
Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Creating new XXHE install on machine with XXHE already installed
on: October 08, 2024, 01:50:02 am
I suspect I have messed up the XXHE install on the older Mach II machine I have. I've been using this machine as a second system. I have problems again with XXHE not loading the music root directory. I can use the ... buttons on XXHE next to Music Root, and the network folders show up properly. I am able to select multiple music roots both on remote servers and locally. BUT when I hit the "L" button, I just get a blue circle and after a while XXHE title bar goes white with a "...not responding" message. I've tried everything. Wondering if I should just try a new install from scratch and remove all previous XXHE related installs. Wondering how best to go about this.
Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: Problem with XXHE not loading directory
on: September 18, 2024, 10:18:52 am
I realize I violated a fundamental guideline by attempting to start the XXHE.exe from two different folders. Just read the download procedures again. Essentially I followed scenario (b) by extracting the full .rar file in a new folder. I'd be happy to get another license and activate the new instance. This might be the easiest thing to do. Still not sure why the first instance is unable to load directory. The circle just spins and spins after I press "L".
Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Problem with XXHE not loading directory
on: September 18, 2024, 09:45:05 am
I have two machines running XXHE--both have worked fine so far. One Mach III and one Mach II. Each machine connected to a NOS1a G3 DAC. Today all of a sudden XXHE running on the Mach II no longer loads the music directory. XXHE on the Mach III works fine. Both instances of XXHE point to the same directory.
I extracted the XXHE .rar again and installed another instance of XXHE on the Mach II. Probably a bad idea, but wanted to try something. The new instance of XXHE on the Mach II now loads the music directory BUT it is not activated.
Meanwhile the original instance of XXHE on the Mach II is activated but does not load the music directory.
Not sure why XXHE would not load music directory. Anything I can try?
Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Installing driver for NOS1
on: August 08, 2024, 04:40:02 am
I just went through the process of installing the driver for the NOS1 on a new machine, and thought I'd share this just in case anyone else is doing this and has any problems.
- When you run the setup file, you will get an error if you do not configure Windows to allow installation of unsigned drivers; - There is an option in XXHE to "Change" driver signing to not require signing. However this option does not seem to work; - You can temporarily disable signing of drivers in Windows by following instructions to restart with the shift key pressed, and then following the configuration setting options on the screen. These instructions are readily available online.
Ultimate Audio Playback / Orelino / Orelo MKII Loudspeakers / Re: Tuning DSP for Orelo
on: July 24, 2024, 07:23:53 am
Thank you for this Peter. I never replaced the DSP boards, and they have not given me a problem yet. My first task is to see if I have the Hypex DSP file or software somewhere. I'm sure you mentioned this, but I did not pay attention at the time. Is the software the Hypex Filter Designer that is available from Hypex? Or something else. If I do not have the DSP file, is there a default setting that the Orelos are shipped with that I can begin with? I never made any changes to the default settings.
Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd PC / Keeping Mach III cool
on: July 24, 2024, 02:26:10 am
Wanted to share this. I have the Mach III in a cabinet with an open back, along with the original XXHE PC, which I use to store music. While the XXHE PC core temp at idle is around 35 C, the Mach III runs quite a bit hotter at 59-60 C. I have the rear switch on the side down (faster fan speed). To cool the Mach III, I bought an external fan (the Aircom T10 exhausting to the back). With the T10 on top of the Mach III, and at the lowest fan speed (and very quiet), the idle core temp drops almost 10 C. It seems a workable solution if others have to keep the Mach III inside a cabinet. Since the fan is external it does not draw power from the Mach III that could compromise SQ.
Ultimate Audio Playback / Orelino / Orelo MKII Loudspeakers / Re: Tuning DSP for Orelo
on: July 23, 2024, 11:13:18 pm
Thanks Peter.
A very simple question to clarify. How does one actually change the DSP settings with the Orelo. I see a USB port, and assume that I could connect something like the Hypex Filter Design software to view what current settings are? I'll look through the HFD manual if this is the means to view and modify the DSP settings.
Ultimate Audio Playback / Orelino / Orelo MKII Loudspeakers / Tuning DSP for Orelo
on: July 22, 2024, 02:10:18 am
I've moved the Orelos back to the living room, and am wondering how the DSP for the Orelos are tuned. They sound very good. Should I try to measure frequency response with REW or something like that, and check to see if the DSP parameters are optimal? I realize I know nothing about the DSP in the Orelo, and how it is setup. Any information, or link to threads on the forum, would be very helpful.