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1  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: XP, kernel streaming and Engine4 on: April 08, 2012, 09:22:01 pm
Ok, thanks for your help.
You're kidding. I'm much more indebted to you than the opposite! Thanks for spending so much time to try and solve this boring issue thankyou. I'm as eager as you to sort it out.

The device must be somewhere, because I find it. What about searching for "rique" ?
I tried almost anything a human being can do scratching. I didn't find any peripherique (without accents) in the Registry nor in the Device Manager but a lot of périphériques (with accents) which proves the Registry knows how to deal with the french keyboard.

Maybe should we reverse the viewpoint. Is XXHE -that is written in english and can't therefore cope with accents- able to recognize a device listed in french? As I suppose you don't plan to translate it right now  wacko and we have no means to rename the devices in english since this is an OS dependant operation, what can we do?

2  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: XP, kernel streaming and Engine4 on: April 08, 2012, 05:30:51 pm
What I do not understand is why you didn't tell that your KS: entry just shows in the XXHighEnd "Device" dropdown. I mean, isn't it ? your XXKSDevices file shows that it should ...

Apologies. I didn't notice it first. It shows: KS : P•riph•rique audio USB >> #global (with debased characters). But when I select it, I get the message: "Allocate streaming audio device: Selected device not suitable for kernel streaming".

So, I made the search on the driver data in the registry. Here are the five keys under which the driver is listed:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\J. River\Media Center 17\Plugins\Output\MJ Output




HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-329068152-583907252-682003330-1003\Software\J. River\Media Center 17\Plugins\Output\MJ Output

[Up to my knowledge, “Global” refers to caching memory. The driver is otherwise listed in JR Media Center: since XXHE isn't "installed", I understand it couldn't be attached to your SW.]

About the several written forms of the word "périphérique", I didn't find in the Registry any of them without accents. So...

Last, on my laptop, the problem seems to be slightly different. I still hear no sound and get the message: “Fail! #4Engine didn’t start within the departed time”.

3  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: XP, kernel streaming and Engine4 on: April 08, 2012, 12:53:02 pm
Hi Peter,

Hard to get an X3PB file in the TemporaryData folder despite several attempts to playback files on my desktop! I eventually succeeded (please find it below, along with a copy of thhe XXKSDevice.dat file) but I'm not sure if it can help.

When I set the output device up to KS: Realtek HD Audio output >> rearlineoutwave3 (default motherboard audio), I get a sound. Clean but still lacking that “weight and texture” I usually get with the asynch USB V-Link and JR Media Center.

If I try to swap the output device to Musical Fidelity V-Link, I get no sound at all which seems logical since this thing is not listed as a KS device and then can’t work with #4Engine. A message reminds me that “For XP, only kernel streaming (KS:) devices are allowed”.

Here we are sent back to my former question: is there a mean XXHE can be compelled to look upon the V-Link or the Legato as kernel streaming devices? Finally, it’s what I’m aiming at.

Best regards,
4  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: XP, kernel streaming and Engine4 on: April 07, 2012, 10:07:05 pm
Hi Peter,

Thanks for your reply. Please find attached the logfile you asked for and screen captures of three error windows displayed when trying to start a playback.

From what I experienced, I understand that the AR-T Legato is not recognized as a KS device by XXHE (nor is the Musical Fidelity V-Link I use on my desktop) and it can't be unless it gets the extra help of a legacy driver. Right?

If ever a dedicated driver is mandatory for each device to get the most out of kernel streaming and #4Engine on XP, I'm afraid XXHE may prove to be useless for a greater part of XP users!

5  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / XP, kernel streaming and Engine4 on: April 06, 2012, 01:33:56 pm
Hi everybody,

I’m new to this forum and also a newbie with XXHE I discovered only recently.

Until now, my digital audio source consist of a Dell laptop [Intel Core 2 Duo T9400 2.5Ghz + 3Mb DDR2 memory + XP SP3] linked through an USB/SPDIF adapter [AR-T Legato] to a conventional 16/44.1 DAC [a Wadia 12 that should shortly be tweaked to better match the 0.4p/S rms jitter of the Legato].

My music is stored on a NAS [Synology DS411Slim acting as a DLNA server], sent to the PC without any compression via a WiFi N transmitter [Airport Extreme], read from memory by an ASIO player [JRiver Media Player 17 acting as a DLNA renderer].

All that works quite satisfactorily and with an optimal SQ but, from the moment on I discovered it COULD work better yet with XXHE - thanks to its ability to use the XP kernel streaming which is presumably superior to ASIO, WASAPI and Core Audio in MacOS- I eagerly awaited to explore this new opportunity.

I downloaded, dezipped and “installed” the last version [0.9z-6-1] with Engine4 in accordance with your Installation guide for Dummies but my first attempts to run the player unfortunately failed: the Legato is not recognized by XXHE as a KS: device (while it works with the kernel streaming output on JRMC – albeit with a poor and clinking sound).

So my question is: is there a workaround tip to fix this problem or maybe something I could have missed in the XXHE settings?

Best regards,
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