
Ultimate Audio Playback => Download Area and Release Notes => Topic started by: PeterSt on January 17, 2009, 03:09:16 pm

Title: XXHighEnd Model 0.9w-8 (solves some annoying bugs)
Post by: PeterSt on January 17, 2009, 03:09:16 pm
  • Since 0.9w-7 it could happen that for each track loaded into the Playlist Area a ChangeWP error occurred (preceeded by some "length" error);
    Also, when XXHighEnd was brought up again with such tracks in the Playlist Area, the same "length" error would occur.
    The latter is kind of definitly solved, while the first most probably is solved (it couldn't be repeated at will, and btw wasn't reported by anyone either).

  • It has been reported that folders and tracks with (e.g.) chinese characters, would cause an "Illegal character in path" errors at bringing up XXHighEnd. This happened for those tracks not yet added to the !Played.plxx playlist file.
    Since this could not be copied, it was solved theoretically (hence without it could be tested).
    Important : Although this now should go unnoticed, the error is actually still there, and the effect is that these tracks are not aded to !Played.plxx. This is on purpose, because there seems no way to avoid the actual error.
    Note that characters not allowed for folder or filenames are : < > : " / \ | ? *
    If it can be recognized that these characters sneeked in via unicode conversions (probably not XX related) they should be removed and the problem will be gone anyway. However, most probably the (btw double byte as how chinese etc. is stored) unicode characters will cause an internal ascii (half double byte) code equal to the ascii code of beforementioned characters, and things just can't work.
    If this indeed is so it is just some Windows (et al ?) design bug, with the remark that certain Unicode problems are known to be unsolveable.

  • It was found that track numbers consisting of [01] [02] etc. were not recognized as track numbers, and thus they were added by XXHighEnd (like 01-[01]). This is now solved.

  • A bug causing a "No track given" message from XXEngine3 at Attended Playback was solved. However, it looks like there's still something that may be causing this. You can follow the proceedings on this here : No Track Given Error (http://www.phasure.com/index.php?topic=689.0;all).

  • It was found that one of the new digital volume steps (-19.5dB) attenuated much more than intended. Solved.
    Edit : No ... not solved in this version. For now go here when it is a problem for you : Re: 19.5 volume setting (http://www.phasure.com/index.php?topic=699.msg5022#msg5022) (install the XXEngine3.exe from the Zip from there over your current XX folder after installing 0.9-w8).

  • The notch up/down digital volume buttons will now be effective at the moment they are used, instead of Pause/Play being needed.
    Note though that a small delay has been built in, in order to notch up/down some more steps at a time, not causing XXEngine3 to be restarted each time.

  • Again improvements have been applied to the interaction between the timer position cursor and the various states the player can be in;
    A.o. it is now possible to play Attendedly, tick the Unattended checkbox, and press Play. or the other way around : Bring up XXHighEnd during Unattended Playback, untick Unattended and press Play. The proper playback position will be maintained now.
    Current small issue : when going from Unattended to Attended *and* press Next instead of Play, nothing happens.

    Remark : Many many times so far changes have been applied in this area, and always the solving of the one anomaly caused the other. Nobody ever complained about this or asked for improvement, while for sure everybody was bugged by it.
    Right now it should all be working, so this is the moment to explicitly ask for remarks about this. Bugs or improvements. Thanks.

  • It has been reported that with a minimum of services running Vista somehow is not recognized as Vista, and Engine#3 can not be used;
    This must be related to how the OS (name) is reported by the OS itself in such a case of services concerned not running.
    Those who are bugged with this, now should please look at the Playlist Area when it is empty (Clear button); The name of the OS as how the OS reports it will be shown there now, and the knowledge of what that is, is necessary to solve this. Please let this know, as well as the (lacking) service causing this, might you know which one it is.

  • For newcomers here which where here earlier anyway : When Engine#3 could not be run because of a non-compliant OS detected, the message "Engine 3 is for Vista only" was shown. Although for 0.9w-7 Windows 7 was added to this message, it now appeared that the message also should contain "and Windows Server 2008". Although Server 2008 is just Vista, this obviously wasn't much clear.
    The message now shows Vista, Server 2008 and Windows 7.

  • Since 0.9w-7, track names for which a track number had to be added by XXHighEnd, resulted in ChangeWP error, preceeded by some other error.
    Indirectly, the same error could emerge via various other functions.
    Although not everything has been explicitly tested regarding this, all ChangeWP errors should be gone again.
    With the notice that many emerged since 0.9w-7 (which was kind of promised in the release notes), please report when/where you see them. This when/where should now be related ony to the means of getting tracks into the Playlist Area, which can be many.