Title: Additional CoverArt Functionality Post by: JohanZ on September 01, 2008, 01:41:45 pm Hi Peter,
In version 09v-3 you start to introduce new coverart functionality. Quote ...the left pane which holds the play control buttons and the main cover of the album, the middle pane which can show the contents of the various tabs (like Playlist Area, Library Area) and the right pane which holds the CoverArt area; I am still using an 8" LCD screen. Caused by the limitation of the 8" screen it's for me difficult to use this new functionality. Is it possible to introduce a (vertical) tab for the CoverArt? Any other solution? Regards, Johan Title: Re: Additional CoverArt Functionality Post by: PeterSt on September 01, 2008, 03:18:03 pm Well, I tried to rather explicitly think of that by means of the possibility to resize the panes to your likings. However. I never actually tried it myself (but you know about that resizing, do you ?).
Then, I can look into what you aksed, but I think it becomes kind of useless because you then can't use the panes together, which is what you would want. However, if you can tell me whether that resizing would do the job for you - and assuming that you can set the sizes by means of a button press (on something you preset yourself) ... I could make that at least. Let me know what you think of this Johan. Peter Title: Re: Additional CoverArt Functionality Post by: JohanZ on October 05, 2008, 05:44:15 pm Quote ....if you can tell me whether that resizing would do the job for you ..... 8" is to small for the resizing act. Quote ....I think it becomes kind of useless because you then can't use the panes together... I suppose you don't see the panes during unattended playback. But i think it is very useful functionality to find the coverarts within XXHighEnd. So you don't have to switch to IE. Title: Re: Additional CoverArt Functionality Post by: PeterSt on October 05, 2008, 05:54:49 pm I'll be making some "presets" for a next (not "the" next) version. Then let's see ...