
Ultimate Audio Playback => Orelino / Orelo MKII Loudspeakers => Topic started by: briefremarks on July 22, 2024, 02:10:18 am

Title: Tuning DSP for Orelo
Post by: briefremarks on July 22, 2024, 02:10:18 am

I've moved the Orelos back to the living room, and am wondering how the DSP for the Orelos are tuned.  They sound very good.  Should I try to measure frequency response with REW or something like that, and check to see if the DSP parameters are optimal?  I realize I know nothing about the DSP in the Orelo, and how it is setup.  Any information, or link to threads on the forum, would be very helpful.


Title: Re: Tuning DSP for Orelo
Post by: PeterSt on July 23, 2024, 08:19:31 pm
Hi Ramesh,

The best I can do is refer to the mere beginning of this board and the "More bass" and such topics (two of them exist). There I let "you" the customers change things in the DSP itself - already quite a task. Turning this upside down : if you can't perform that, then all stops, because it is part of the job.

The (indeed) REW part is something you can learn, but it requires a measurement microphone and an A/D converter to get from the microphone to the digital data in REW.

The measuring itself ? a job which requires a lot of experience. But what you always can do is measure the base (as how all outputs currently) and gradually change things (in the DSP) which you *and* will see happening *and* will hear happening.

See you in a year ? :wacko:
(not talking physical visits :rules:).

Best regards,

Title: Re: Tuning DSP for Orelo
Post by: briefremarks on July 23, 2024, 11:13:18 pm
Thanks Peter.

A very simple question to clarify.  How does one actually change the DSP settings with the Orelo.  I see a USB port, and assume that I could connect something like the Hypex Filter Design software to view what current settings are?  I'll look through the HFD manual if this is the means to view and modify the DSP settings.


Title: Re: Tuning DSP for Orelo
Post by: PeterSt on July 24, 2024, 04:59:10 am
Hi Ramesh,

Unfortunately the DSP settings can not be read out. I know, not much user friendly, but that is how Hypex made it ...
So it is expected that you know what the settings are, register that (after changes) and maintain that documentation. Notice that you (everybody) received that documention from me, together with the speakers.
Knowing this now, you will find (implied) references to it in the topics I referred to in my first post.

Documentation : This is merely the DSP settings file which is used by the Hypex software to load its settings from, and which are meant to be equal to what you uploaded to the speaker (which is called "downloading" by the software). Indeed via USB (from your PC running the Hypex software to the speaker).

This should get you started ?
But please take note of the very first thing to do : find your DSP settings file, given by you together with the Hypex software. If you don't have that / don't use that, you will be over-writing what's in the speaker with "nothing".
BTW, you will have done the procedure at replacing Hypex boards ?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Tuning DSP for Orelo
Post by: briefremarks on July 24, 2024, 07:23:53 am
Thank you for this Peter.  I never replaced the DSP boards, and they have not given me a problem yet.  My first task is to see if I have the Hypex DSP file or software somewhere.  I'm sure you mentioned this, but I did not pay attention at the time.  Is the software the Hypex Filter Designer that is available from Hypex?  Or something else.  If I do not have the DSP file, is there a default setting that the Orelos are shipped with that I can begin with?  I never made any changes to the default settings.

Title: Re: Tuning DSP for Orelo
Post by: PeterSt on July 26, 2024, 08:05:30 am
Hi Ramesh,

I think it is best to continue this by email; later today I will respond there.
