Title: 10 | Setting the Timers for a boot from RAM Post by: PeterSt on October 29, 2017, 09:09:58 am This only counts for people using the RAM-OS Disk, which allows the Operating Sytem to be booted from RAM. Setting the Timers as we like to have them, is a special procedure - especially for those using the RAM-OS already prior to XXHighEnd 2.07; they see a state in the BASE boot which will not resemble the state once booted in RAM-OS. So, the procedure explained below is for when you see these states (or one of them) when booted from RAM :
(http://www.stordiau.nl/xxhighend/timers01.png) and you want to have them both "at their best". And, when you see this in combination with what you see here when booted from the BASE : (http://www.stordiau.nl/xxhighend/timers04.png) then this procedure is for you. From the 2.07 Release Notes : For the RAM-OS Disk and booting from RAM, the Timer settings could not be applied previously. Now they can. In order to let this work, apply this (you 'll need to do this one time only, but for each OS you boot from RAM) : Boot into the BASE version of the OS you want to change the Timer / Timing settings of : (http://www.stordiau.nl/xxhighend/timers03.png) Go to XTweaks and always start out with Refresh : (http://www.stordiau.nl/xxhighend/timers00.png) Take good care that Time Stability reads "Not Stable" and Time Performance Index reads "Not the best" (watch out, because this probably implies that you FIRST must set to "Not Stable" and "Not the best" and after that change back) : (http://www.stordiau.nl/xxhighend/timers01.png) Now change the first (Time Stability), Reboot and check whether it worked out : (http://www.stordiau.nl/xxhighend/timers02.png) Apply the same for the other one. After that boot into the RAM version of the OS (see first screenshot above at the mouse pointer) and see that both will have worked out now (booted from RAM !) : (http://www.stordiau.nl/xxhighend/timers04.png) If you counted correctly, all together this required max 6 reboots (start out from RAM - end up in RAM). This will again improve SQ, a bit depending on how your system (PC) responded to this, outside of the RAM-OS Disk appliance hence how you judged that yourself. |