
Ultimate Audio Playback => XXHighEnd Support => Topic started by: charliemb on July 29, 2013, 01:40:40 am

Title: Wallpaper falls behind or stops in Unattended
Post by: charliemb on July 29, 2013, 01:40:40 am
Not urgent, but might as well point this out...

When a playlist is mixed in terms of sample rates or bit depths, and while playing unattended, the wallpaper starts out okay but eventually falls behind and stops updating altogether.  Sometimes the updates are just slow and they eventually change, but most of the time now they just stop.

Sometimes I can update the wallpaper by hitting a control key I don't use, like alt-U, which in my case does nothing since volume is always 100%.  Most of the time now, this does not work anymore.

Sometimes I can update the wallpaper by hitting alt-x, waiting for xxHE to come up, then exiting.   But likewise, I don't think this is working anymore.

I've tried changing the player priority to normal and that does NOT seem to do anything.


Title: Re: Wallpaper falls behind or stops in Unattended
Post by: PeterSt on July 29, 2013, 08:19:19 am

Still this should be a PC=Busy issue;

I recognize that a first refresh may take some longer (after pressing Play), but otherwise nothing. Yes, from many years back and W7 RTM.

The "more and more behind" I certainly don't recognize.

With very high buffer sizes (like Q1=30, xQ1 = 20, DevBufSize=4096) it can (will) run behind 30 seconds or so, and then only for 32/705.6.  I mean, any lower sampling rate and it will be MORE behind (like 32/352.8 would take 60 seconds).

If you really observe the "more and more" behind then I can imagine this with Attended Playback somewhat (but not sure). Otherwise I have no idea. All I know is that the OS is taking care of this herself and it goes through the Registry. So, I just change the Wallpaper in an official way.

To be sure I see the same as you, use Core Appointment Scheme = 3, PlayerPrio Lowest and ThreadPrio Real Time.
And use W7 SP1. Not RTM.
