Title: "Include Garbage Collect" Post by: Scroobius on September 04, 2012, 07:14:03 pm Peter - I have read about this in the past but I have forgotten what it does - could you remind me or point me in the right direction.
Ta Paul Title: Re: "Include Garbage Collect" Post by: PeterSt on September 04, 2012, 08:19:37 pm Hi Paul - Possibly I didn't describe it at all. SQ related for sure, but the how's or why's remain a secret.
One thing : if it disturbs you (because it may come up with a message each time playback is started) - don't use it. Also don't use it when you can get sound because of it (which is a bit prone to low SFS's). :sorry: Peter Title: Re: "Include Garbage Collect" Post by: Scroobius on September 05, 2012, 01:10:44 am Peter - eerrr :dntknw: so am I supposed to be using it with z-7? I can switch it on or off with no problems - no alarms etc. I was not so interested in how it works more what is supposed to happen when it is "on" and is it intended to be used in normal operation.
Paul |